Chapter 34

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A/N: there was some confusion about Ben - he's friends with all the dancers, they met a long time ago so they're close. They usually go to the restaurant where he works for lunch or an outing.

Happy reading my munchies :).

Mila's POV

"Hey Ben! Guess who's here?" I grinned, waving at him on the other side of the counter.

"Oh wow, you've brought the whole town," he joked, coming around to hug me.

"Long time no see," Dean smiled, fist bumping Ben.

I had decided to take everyone out for lunch as a treat for our win. Everyone had agreed to come, minus Anna. No one had seen her since that day I bumped into her.

Lena was beginning to suspect Adam had banished her from the studio.

Speaking of Lena, she had told me earlier that she would be gone till January 3. Her parents had begged her to return home to Dresden for Christmas and the New Year. That meant missing my birthday. I didn't bother telling her, its not like she would care.

Christmas, as well as my birthday, would be uneventful as I was fully planning on wallowing in my own self pity like the Grinch suggested.

"You two," Ben stated, pointing between Ajax and I, "are literally the most popular people in Berlin right now."

We followed after him as he led us to the larger back tables.

"Are we now?" I asked, sharing a sly look with Ajax. He smirked, pulling a chair out for me.

"Definitely," Gabby nodded, her kinky haired bun bobbing lightly.

"I swear you two boosted our studio's Instagram following by 300," Lotte chirped, her eyes big with excitement.

"Damn," Ajax mumbled a surprised look on his face.

"Are you ready to order?" Ben asked as I noticed he wasn't in his usual servers outfit.

"Yes we are, anything more you'd like to tell us?" I asked with a knowing smile. His cheeks turned pink as he smiled shyly.

"The owner decided to put this place up for sale last week, and I uh, sort of decided to buy it."

"What? Ben that's amazing, congrats," Max grinned, clapping him on the back.

"I guess you won't be taking our orders then?" Lotte pouted.

"I'll be here as much as possible. You know, in case you ever want to stop by," he winked making the redhead blush.

"We're here to give you business," Dean joked, gesturing to our large group.

"And for that, deserts on me," Ben grinned and everyone cheered.

We caught up with Ben a bit more before he had to go and a server replaced him. Starting with Max on the right, we went in a circle as everyone gave their orders.

"How did you know?" Ajax whispered in my ear as I took a sip of my water.

"He's not wearing his usual uniform," I replied, watching as he nodded looking away.

"Should we tell them?" I asked, biting my lip nervously. I was more nervous about Lena's reaction. Only because it had been 2 days since I agreed to be Ajax's girlfriend and I hadn't told her yet. Hopefully all hell didn't break lose.

"Up to you, we can do it now or later," Ajax shrugged, playing with the straw. My brows furrowed as I turned to look at him, sensing the indifferent tone in his voice. I decided I was just overthinking things and cleared my throat.

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