Chapter 50

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Holy moly cannoli y'all we're at 50 chapters 😱.  I hope you guys are safe and healthy :)

Also thank you to everyone who wished me luck for my exam. I thought I aced it but I ended up getting an 85 LMAO. I swear every time I'm like yessss Mia you smashed that test I end up getting a not so good grade. 

Throwback to the time I cheated on a test and thought I would get 100 but I got a 62 😅. I hated that teacher smh, he never taught anything. 

Anyways, happy reading munchkins! 

Third Person's POV

"And ready, 5, 6, 7, 8!"

"Up, hold it, hold it, good," Adam instructed. 

Not that Mila was listening to him. 

She was back in the studio after a 3 days break and it absolutely sucked. She was so stressed because things were falling way behind, even more than they had been earlier. There was now exactly 14 days till competition.

After Ajax had dragged her to the doctors office, Mila found out she had been feeling so sickly because her body was exhausted. She needed to take time off to help her body heal. 

She had been prescribed sleeping pills which she detested. They tasted like orange peels. 

The doctor, Sasha, had asked for a follow up. Actually, she asked Mila to join her for lunch. 

"Mila focus!" Adam scolded as she faltered in her single-leg deadlift pose. He insisted that she train more for her balance. The lifts involved a lot of balancing and her center of gravity wasn't as strong as it could be. 

She hadn't spoken to Ajax since that day. But slowly, things were getting back into routine. 

That's why Mila was scared. She was scared that life was moving on without him. 

Her nightmares still plagued her sleep, but with the sleeping pills she managed to get in at least 5 hours. Two cups of black coffee a day and a whole lot of Matcha were keeping her moving. 

Cold sweat dripped down her back from concentration as she wobbled on her leg. Her body was shaking from the strain. 

"Okay, you're done."

"Thank God," Mila sighed, collapsing on the floor. 

"Mila is everything alright?" Adam asked in concern. 

He noticed how much weaker her stamina had become. Her expression was always grim and stressed instead of her usual smile that lit up the room. He also noticed the awkward tension between Ajax and the brunette. 

"Yeah of course," she nodded, shooting him a reassuring smile. 

Adam decided it was pointless trying to get information from her and planned on talking to Ajax. He was a terrible liar to begin with. 

"Meet me in Oskar's office," Adam said to him quietly as he entered the main studio room. 

"What? Why?" Ajax asked defensively. 

"Just to talk," Adam shrugged. He didn't miss how Ajax's eyes followed Mila as she waved to Gabby and Lotte before leaving the studio. 

Mila's palms were sweaty as she got onto the U-Bahn underground train. It was about a 10 minute ride to the restaurant Sasha had asked her to come to. 

"Hello darling, how are you doing?" she smiled warmly, shaking Mila's hand. 

"I'm doing well, how are you?"

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