Chapter 17

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Mila's POV

"What the fuck!" I heard Lena exclaim from the other room, catching my attention.

"Lena? You okay?" I called from my room. Silence. 

Getting to my feet, I padded next door to the bathroom. My eyes widened as I registered the scene in front of me. Lena was sitting on the closed toilet lid while Anna was apparently tweezing her eyebrows. I scanned Lena's face, stopping when I noticed her brows. A laugh almost escaped my lips but I held back or it would've led to a premature death.

"Damn," I managed to say, covering my mouth with one hand.

"Stop looking at them like that!" She exclaimed and I immediately looked away.

"Anna what did you do?" The blonde cried, staring in distress at her reflection.

"I got a bit carried away," she replied passively, putting away the tweezer.

"What am I going to do? How do I fix it? Mila you have an idea right? You always fix things," Lena pleaded.

"Ummm, pretend you're time traveling from the early 2000's?" I suggested.

"Milaaa, they look horrendous!"

The more I looked, the funnier it got.

"Cheers mate," I shrugged, be knowing what else to say. I hurried out of the bathroom as Lena trailed after me, shouting profanities left and right. 

"Christ Lena, what happened to your eyebrows?" Max asked the minute she walked into the kitchen area. I made a cutting motion at my throat to stop him, but it was too late. Lena looked like she was about to explode. Her entire face turned red and she let out a screech, storming off to the bedroom. 

"What the fuck is going on?" Ajax asked, rubbing his eye harshly as he came down the hall. 

"Morning sleeping beauty," I joked, grabbing the eggs from the fridge. 

"It's too early for your bullshit," he sighed, resting his head on his arms as he sat by the counter. 

"No one here is allergic to eggs right?" I asked suddenly. 

"No, Lotte is allergic to peanuts though," Max piped up, stealing a piece of bacon from my pan. 

"Then why did you buy peanut butter?" I asked in confusion. Dean and Max shared a sheepish look before replying. 

"We forgot."

"Didn't she come with you guys?" I laughed, shaking my head at their stupidity. 

"She was with the other girls looking at cookies," Dean shrugged, reaching for a bacon piece. I slapped his hand away earning a pout. 

"Well, nobody touch that peanut butter," I said, eyeing it distastefully.

 - - - - - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - - - - 

"Last one in the water is a rotten egg!" Max shouted, breaking off into a run towards the lake. 

"I hate you for teaching him that phrase," Lena muttered, walking after the group. Loud splashes came from the water as everyone crashed into the water. 

The sun shined brightly, blessing us with warm weather - perfect for swimming.

The towel draped around my shoulders was warm as I laid it out on the grass and sat down. My swimsuit was a simple black one piece with an open back. The only one we could find that wasn't brightly colored like a parrot. 

"Can you connect to the speaker?" Max panted, handing me a speaker. His wet brown hair dripped water all over me as he stood with his hands on his knees. 


"Yeah, you have good taste in music," he shrugged. 

"Really? Thanks," I grinned, feeling satisfied. At least someone appreciated my music. I decided to go with my karaoke playlist which consisted of songs that most people knew by heart. Taylor Swift, One Direction, Drake, you get the idea. 

Gabby, Lotte, and Anna were standing on the edge of the lake taking pictures of, you guessed it, Anna. She was obviously flaunting herself, but the boys were too occupied to care. 

Lena and I were chatting about costume ideas for her competition, but I couldn't help but let my eyes wander to the lake. 

Ajax stood on the dock, tossing a water polo ball out to Dean. My eyes trailed over his tanned back as his muscles flexed with the movement. He turned around, walking back to the table where we'd set up drinks. I bit my lip, shamelessly letting my eyes wander over his toned abs. As if he felt my eyes on him, he caught my gaze, responding with a wink. Lena continued talking as I focused my attention back on her. 

"I mean if you're doing a romantic song, go with something flowy and light colored," I suggested, plucking at the grass. 

"See, this is why we're best friends," she grinned. Moments later, she suddenly sat up. 

"Mind getting my phone from inside?" she asked, shades covering her blue eyes. 

"Didn't you bring it with you?" I asked, pushing up onto my elbows as I laid on my stomach. 

"No," she shrugged making me furrow my brows in confusion. As I stood up, a pair of arms wrapped around my waist, lifting me off the ground. I spotted Lena laughing her head off as she recorded me getting thrown into the lake. 

My body tingled as I broke the surface of the water. 

"Fuck you Ajax!" I shouted, splashing him with a giant wave. He laughed, sending another wave right back at me. I turned around, fluttering my legs as fast as possible, splashing water into his open mouth. 

"That's disgusting," he gagged, but a smile on his face nonetheless. 

Lena joined us soon after and we played a game of "water polo" which was basically hot potato in the water. 

"I'm starving," Dean groaned, dragging himself out of the water. 

I pulled myself up onto the doc, not wanting to go into the sandy parts and get muddy. 

"I'll get the food, can you guys clear the table please?" I asked, wincing at the sight of the table cluttered with beer cans and tissues. I grabbed my T-shirt from the chair and slipped it on, feeling the sun beating down on my skin. 

A part of me was sad that Ajax wasn't distracted by me as I was by him. My eyes kept flickering over to him every so often, but I was sure he hadn't done the same for me. I was about half way to the cabin when I felt someone's presence behind me. 


I turned to glare at Ajax as he bumped me with his shoulder, not missing how his arm brushed against my ass. 

"Oh my gosh! I'm so scared, someone save me," I mocked leaning back into his arms. 

"Luck for you I'm your savior," he chuckled, his green eyes flashing with mischief. 

A smile made it's way onto my face as I watched how his dimple appeared. I was aware of some odd splashing noises coming from the lake, but I was to occupied with the handsome devil in front of me. 

Something in my subconscious urged me to snap out of it and turn around. And thankfully, that's just what I did. 

My ears immediately picked up on the sound of someone shouting and the smile dropped from my face. Pushing past Ajax, I broke into a run towards the lake. I tossed my phone onto Lena's blanket and pulled off the t-shirt I was wearing. 

My feet pounded against the dock as I ran, jumping into a dive. I surfaced halfway to the middle of the lake, only to find Anna gasping for air. 

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