Chapter 7

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Mila's POV - dance above if u wanna c it again^

I sat in the car quietly as Ajax drove along the highway. It wasn't awkward to say the least, we were both nervous. His parents were going to be there and that added to the pressure. I couldn't mess up. 

The light pressure against my neck from my necklace comforted me. I felt my phone vibrate in my lap and I glanced at the screen to see Ben's name flash across the screen. 

"Do you mind if I take this?" I asked Ajax quietly and he shook his head, muttering a soft 'go ahead'.

"Hi," I greeted, hearing the clattering of utensils in the background. 

"Hi Mila! How's it going?"

"Eh, pretty good so far," I replied, fiddling with my nails. 

"I called to say good luck and don't stress too much. You're going to do great," he spoke and I could feel my nerves calm a little from encouragement. 

"Thank you," I said, a smile spreading across my face. 

"Is Ajax with you?"

"Yeah he's driving," I replied, flitting my eyes over to him. His side profile is insane. 

"Mind putting it on speaker, I'll wish that sour lemon too," he said making me chuckle. 

"It's Ben," I informed, holding the phone closer to him. Ajax shot me a confused look.

I waited patiently as they spoke in German for a few minutes. When the call ended, he gave me a look that made me raise my eyebrow. 

"Why do you have his number?" he asked, narrowing his eyes at me. 

"Uh, he gave it to me?" 




The car lapsed into silence once again. 10 minutes later, we pulled into the parking lot. I got out quickly as Lena's car pulled up beside ours a minute later. 

"Oh my gosh!" she squealed, hopping up and down lightly. "I'm so excited, I can't wait to see you two, Lotte, and Dean perform."

"Lotte and Dean go tomorrow right, cuz theirs are solo's?"

"Yeah," Lena nodded. 

"Let's go," Ajax said, slamming the trunk shut. Not knowing where to go, I followed closely behind him through the narrow backstage passages. 

He led us into a single dressing room with a long vanity and a full body mirror. The day before we had decided to wear casual street clothes because it was too late to get custom costumes.

"Are you going to change?" he asked me as he took off his jacket. I shook my head, pulling my hair out of it's bun. We had 45 minutes to get ready and 15 to do a practice run. I took my time straightening my hair, making sure I didn't leave and wonky parts in the back. 

20 minutes passed before a knock sounded at at the door. 

"How are you two doing?" Adam asked, popping into the room. 

"So far so good," Ajax replied, giving him one of those handshakes guys do. I turned my attention back to the mirror, bushing once again through my hair. 

"Oh hey Lena," Ajax spoke, catching my attention. 

"Heyyy party fam," she grinned, speeding her way to me. 

"Wowwww, it's so shiny!" she said, lifting strands of my hair. 

"Thanks," I chuckled lightly, pinning it back so I could do my makeup. I ignored the puppy eyed look that Lena was giving me, I knew she wanted to do my makeup. I applied a bit of bronzer, highlight and dark and mauve eyeshadow with a shimmery inner corner. My cheeks were already flushed from nerves and once she started dancing, she would end up like a tomato if she put blush. 

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