Chapter 2

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Mila's POV

My vans tapped lightly against the floor as I walked through the dark halls of the Dance Academy. The sun had yet to come up and it was making me drowsy. 

"Mojen (Morning) Mila!"

"Mojen," I greeted, running a hand through my hair tiredly. 

"Jet lag?" she asked, a teasing look in her eyes. 

"I don't even know at this point," I sighed, closing my eyes. 

"Mila, already falling asleep before class starts," Anna's nasally voice rang in my ears. 

"Cat naps are the best you know?" I retorted, not opening my eyes. 

"Indeed they are," I heard Adam's amused voice say. I cracked one  eye open, seeing him chuckling at me. 

"She's with us?" Ajax asked, glaring at me from the other side of the hall. 

"Of course she is," Adam replied, opening the door to the studio room. It was exactly 7 as we filtered into the room. 

"Everyone start on warm ups and show Mila how we do it here."

"Does she even know what a warm up is?" I heard Anna "whisper".

"Come," Lena waved me over to the back right corner of the room. 

She explained that they always started off with joint rotations, muscle stretches, and then some jumping jacks to get the heart rate up. It was quite similar to my regular routine but in a more specific order.  

It was cold when we had entered the room but everyone's body heat brought up the temperature. I slipped off the zip jacket I was wearing leaving me in a thin knit shirt. I had slipped off my cargo pants into my dance shorts when we started stretching. 

"You don't have dance shoes?" Lena asked, looking down at my bare feet as I practiced a few turns. 

"No, I prefer dancing barefoot," I shrugged, tightening my ponytail. 

"Ok everyone continue from where you left off yesterday and Mila come with me," Adam ordered and everyone immediately got to work. I followed him out of the room to the other room. 

"I want you to show me the routine you had for the convention in LA," he said. 

I hated that routine. It reminded me of him

"Ok," I nodded despite every part of me not wanting to. 

"Practice it a few times, I'll be back in half an hour," Adam said, giving me a thumbs up and leaving the room. 

He left me in the silence. Only it wasn't silent. The silence itself was loud and deafening. 

I hurried to get the music playing from my phone to drown out the stillness. 

I'm waitin up, savin all my precious time.

Losin light, I'm missin my same old us. 

Same old us, before we learned out truth too late. 

This song meant so much to me that I had to stop myself from putting too much emotion into my moves. They tended to become overexaggerated when I did that. By the time I finished the 5th round, I was sweating. Glancing at the clock, 30 minutes had already gone by. 

After sitting and debating on the floor, I decided to do it one more time. But this time I would let my emotions guide me. All that pent up sadness, all the anxiety and stress from moving across the world. The loneliness after he was gone. Just letting it all out. 

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