Chapter 53

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Yeah basically California decided to whip up a storm and make it hella windy in the middle of 75 degree weather. So my power went out and I didn't have enough date to upload the chapter without it glitching. 

I'm so sorry, but here's the update and if I can, I'll try to do a double update. 

Question: Are you bilingual? If you are, what languages do you speak?

I speak fluent English, Hindi/Urdu, Arabic, and French :). My German and Spanish are really shaky because I can only speak and I don't know the grammar 😅. 

Ajax's POV

"Mila we're going to be late!" Adam called, knocking again on the door. 

"Mon dieu, I'm coming! Gosh!"

"How bout you get us checked in and we'll meet you there," I suggested, glancing at my watch. 

"Alright, both of you better be down there in 5 minutes," he said, pointing his finger at me. 

"Yes sir," I saluted and he rolled his eyes, hurrying off towards the elevator. 

"Mila, how long did you sleep in?" I chuckled, leaning against the door. 

I heard her grumble, probably cursing me out. Just as I closed my eyes, I felt the door move away from my back and I almost fell back onto the floor. Reaching out, I managed to grab onto the doorway. 

Mila snorted, shaking her head at me as I sent her a glare. 

"A little warning would've been nice," I muttered. 

"Sure, sure," she rolled her eyes. 

"Ok let's go," I urged, grabbing her arm and tugging her to the door. 

"Wait no," she tried pulled her arm away from me. I paused, turning to look at her. 

She glanced in the mirror with an uneasy expression on her face 

"What's up?" I asked in concern, closing the door lightly. 

"Is this too short?" she asked, tugging her dance shorts down. 

"Um, no? You always wear those," I replied, furrowing my brows in confusion. 

She was silent, a troubled look on her face. 

Suddenly, I realized why she was so bothered. 

"Mila, it's not too short. Nothing's going to happen to you okay? I'll be with you the whole time and if anyone comes near you I'll make sure they can't have kids anymore."

She bit her lip as her eyes lit up ever so slightly. 

"What if I just wore a shirt on top?" she pouted, slumping her shoulders. 

We chose the outfits for the first routine way before... that happened. I guess both of us forgot how revealing it was and now Mila was having second thoughts. 

"If you're uncomfortable, go ahead," I shrugged. I wasn't going to make her wear something she hated. 

"Ughhhh, whatever nothing I have will match. We're already late, let's go," she said, shaking her head and walking out of the hotel room. 

Okay then. 

As soon as we stepped out of the elevator, swarms of people rushed around the lobby. It was chaos, everyone worried about their own issues. 

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