Chapter 13

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Their Second Routine for Nationals^

Mila's POV

"Three locations will be released tomorrow for the International championships, nationals will be here in Berlin next week," Adam spoke as I tried to sneak into the studio unnoticed.

"Mila, nice of you to join us," he smiled, finishing his announcement. "What's the reason this time?"

"This time? You say it like it's an everyday thing," I grumbled, sighing when he narrowed his gaze at me.

"My ride left without me and I had to run here. That's why I look like a train wreck."

"Shit," I heard Lena mumbled and Ajax stifled a laugh. I pinned him with a glare and he sobered up, looking away.

I was dreading dance today because of what happened yesterday. Quickly changing out of my street clothes, I switched out of my sweaty top into a clean one.

"We need to start on your other choreo's," Adam spoke, tossing me a waterbottle as he entered our studio.

"Thanks. We need two more routines right?"

"Yes, two other routines of any style."

"How about we do one contemporary and one lyrical," Ajax suggested and I made a face.


"Fine, both contemporary," he shrugged.

"Okay, we can do that. Let's try to get choreography down by Friday next week," I suggested and AJax nodded.

"Wow, you two are actually getting along. What's going on today," Adam gasped mockingly and we rolled our eyes.

"Your dismissed," I sighed, imitating Adam. He chuckled and left the room with a 'good luck'.

"So," Ajax began.

"So," I repeated, fiddling with my fingers.

"Last night was, um, wild," he said sheepishly, running a hand through the back of his hair.

"You're not wrong about that," I muttered, swinging my toe around in a half circle on the floor.

"Let's pretend it never happened, deal?"

"Yeah, let's pretend I don't have a hickey hidden under a thick layer of concealer," I rolled my eyes and I could see him fighting a smirk.

"Deal," I sighed, giving in and shaking his outstretched hand. My cheeks burned at the physical contact and I muttered profanities in my head.

"So, lifts," he stated and I pouted slouching my shoulders.

"Lifts," I groaned making Ajax chuckle.

We had already mastered the blindfolded choreography and we just went through it once every morning. The rest of the class was for our other choreographies.

"Any ideas?" he asked, running a hand through the front of his chestnut locks.

"No clue. Just tell me what you have in mind and I'll get myself to do it," I shrugged.

"Are you sure? I don't want you to do anything you're not comfortable with," he said, a concerned look on his face that made my heart warm.

"I'm sure. I need to do this for myself."

He nodded and we sat in silence for a few moments, thinking of ideas.

"How about a back flip onto my shoulder?" Ajax asked, sitting beside me as we typed out moves onto a doc.

"Umm, how?"

"I grab you from the front and then flip you around so you're like laying on my shoulder almost?" he questioned, not really sure how to explain it. I sucked in a breath, closing my eyes for a moment before speaking.

"Show me."

Ajax looked a bit surprised but he got up, offering me a hand which I gladly took.

"Ok, on three. One, two three."

I moved my body in the direction he wanted me to go, feeling the movement of his body under mine. I maintained my pose as if I was flying on his shoulder, trying to breathe calmly.

(First lift in the dance up there^)

"Mila that was really good," he grinned, a proud look on his face as he set me down. Seeing him so happy for me made me smile.

After what we decided to call the peter pan move, we decided to come out of it into a bridal carry which would lead into a split. A bit of floorwork in between and even some cartwheels.

"We need another lift," I muttered, grabbing my water bottle. My baby hairs were sticking to my skin from sweat and my knees were starting to hurt from all the crawling.

"What are you thinking?" Ajax asked, gulping down his water. I somehow found myself staring at him doing something as unattractive as drinking water. Stupid Mila.

"Alright. Well, I was thinking a reach and then using the pull momentum to get up onto your shoulders and then a fall into a bridal pose."

I bit my lip, waiting for his reaction.

"Let's try it."

I did a spin and leaned back till I was almost sitting on the floor. Ajax reached out, grabbing my hands and pulling me towards him. I took a deep breath, using the momentum to jump up. My eyes focused on his shoulder as I turned my body, trying to find good footing. Instead, his shoulder dipped as I placed one foot on, even though my weight was balanced on his hands. I felt my heart drop to my stomach as a falling sensation hit me. Before I felt the impact of the foam mat beneath us, Ajax somehow managed to turn his arm and grab hold of me. It gave me time to place my feet on the ground before he gently lowered me to the mat.

"Are you alright?" he asked hurriedly, kneeling in front of me. My chest rose rapidly as I breathed harshly, my heart hammering in my chest. Letting out a breath of air, I nodded.

"Thanks for breaking that fall," I muttered, giving him a meek smile.

"Of course," he nodded, still looking concerned.

"I'm fine," I rolled my eyes, "just a little shaken up."

After taking a break, we decided to try it again.

"I'll put my right foot first, and then the left. All you have to do is keep your shoulders stiff so I can get good footing."

"Ok got it. Last time I didn't do that."

"One, two, three."

On the three, I jumped, landing on his right shoulder as lightly as I couldo. Our arms shook from the strain of holding up my weight as I balanced my left foot as well.

"Ok let go," I said, my voice sounding breathless. He released his grip from my hands but held onto the bottom of my legs.

"Now you'll jump and I'll catch you," Ajax said, and I nodded, watching our reflection in the mirror.


The moment I said one, his hands left my legs and stuck out to catch me as I jumped. I felt the sensation of falling for a split second before his arms wrapped around me, catching me tightly. A sigh of relief escaped my lips and I looked up at Ajax. He was already smirking down at me.

"Not bad Violet, not bad," he nodded, setting me down.

"Sorry, the old Mila can't come to the phone right now," I mimicked Taylor Swift, making a phone with my hand, "Why? Cuz she's dead."

Ajax laugh echoed in the studio and it made the butterflies in my stomach reappear. I found myself laughing at the sound of Ajax's laugh, enjoying the way the dimple in his left cheek made an appearance.

"You know, you're not so bad?" he smiled, tugging at my ponytail as I sat on the foam mat.

"Oh no, I'm the worst," I corrected, gazing up at him through my lashes, a smirk on my lips.

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