Chapter 18

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Ajax's POV

"Mila! Stop!" I shouted after I realized what she was trying to do. My protests were likely unheard over Anna's screaming as she thrashed in the water.

"Someone call for help!" Dean shouted, frantically trying to find his phone. I kept my eyes on Mila as her head disappeared under the surface, reappearing seconds later. I stood at the edge of the dock, ready to jump in. Mila's strokes were strong and clean, propelling her towards Anna swiftly and efficiently.

"Stop kicking!" Mila shouted, trying to calm Anna as she screamed and splashed. I winced as I noticed Anna latching onto Mila, hanging on for dear life. A split second later, her elbow collided with Mila's temple and she let go, disappearing under the water. Anna had gone silent too, both heads now under water.

I pulled off my damp sweatshirt, kicking my shoes off and throwing my phone onto the pile of clothes. By then, Mila had resurfaced, pulling a now unconscious Anna towards the shore.

"She's not breathing," Mila panted, her chest heaving as she brought her out of the water. I reached forward, taking her weight into my arms and carrying her to the grass.

Without missing a beat, Mila started performing CPR, administering 2 rescue breaths. The slight relief I'd felt after Mila came out of the water unharmed was now gone as I gazed down at the unconscious blonde.

Sure I hated Anna, but I would never want anything like this to happen to her.

"C'mon, c'mon, c'mon," Mila muttered, leaning her head down to check Anna's breathing.

"There's no service," Lena panicked, a death grip on her phone as she stared helplessly.

"Fuck," Dean muttered, running into the cabin for a useable phone.

The sound of coughing made me whip my head around. Mila pushed Anna to her side as she coughed up water. Everyone let out cheers of happiness and Gabby looked like she was about to cry.

"Are you alright?" Mila asked gently, rubbing her back gently.

"I'm okay," she said quietly after her coughing fit.

"Jesus Christ," Max sighed, turning away and running a hand over his face.

"Someone needs to take her to the hospital, she could have water in her lungs and we wouldn't know till it's too late," Mila said, her hair dripping water down her back.

"I'll take her," Dean said just as Lotte and Gabby came back with towels, a blanket, and clothes. The girls fussed over Anna as they walked to Deans car, Max trailing after them.

"Go Lena," I nodded, gently nudging her towards the group. She gave me a bewildered look.

"You're insane if you think I'm leaving Mila for Anna," she replied flatly, earning a small laugh from Mila.

"Your necklace," Lena gasped, staring at Mila's neck. I looked over in confusion, noticing that indeed the red heart necklace she always wore was now missing.

"What?" Mila touched her chest in confusion, her face paling when she noticed she didn't have it anymore.

"No, no, no," she muttered, looking at the ground in search of the necklace.

"Wait it's right here," I blurted, reaching out to pull the necklace that was tangled in her wet hair.

"Oh thank god," she sighed, and Lena giggled, giving her a hug.

"Are you sure you're okay?" I asked again, glancing at her as we walked into the cabin.

"Yeah I'm okay," she smiled softly.

"I'm going to start a warm bath for you," Lena said quietly, walking away before Mila could protest.

"Can you hold onto this for me please?" She asked, handing me her necklace that was now unwearable due to its broken chain.

"Of course," I smiled, taking the chain and tucking it into my AirPod case.

"Don't lose it, I'll murder you," Mila warned, disappearing into the bathroom.

"Well that was eventful," Lena sighed, sitting on the couch.

"Yeah, good thing no one was seriously hurt," I nodded. 

A loud bang came from the bedrooms and Lena and I shared a look.

"I'll go check on her."

I got up, hurrying into Mila's bedroom, only to find her hunched over the toilet. I winced at the gagging sounds and gently rubbed her back as she threw up. 

"Sorry you had to see that," she muttered, wiping the instinctive tears from her eyes.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, just thought it would be a good idea to get rid of all the dirty water I swallowed. In case I get a stomach ache from it," she said and I nodded in understanding. 

"That was pretty cool though," I smirked, pulling her to her feet as she waved me off. 

"You saved her life."

"I'm glad lifeguarding lessons came in handy," she said, washing her face. I leaned against the doorframe, watching her carefully. 

"Are you a swimmer?"

"Not really, I just love swimming," she smiled, brushing past me and flopping on her bed. A few moments passed before she pat the empty space beside her, still laying face down. 

"Come sit," she mumbled into her pillow making me chuckle. I sat on her bed, leaning against the headboard and closing my eyes. Just as I was starting to relax, someone decided to disturb me.

Mila smirked up at me, a mischievous look in her eyes as she poked my stomach. I narrowed my eyes at her as she continued to stab me. 

"Are you not ticklish?!" she gasped, glaring at me. 


I took advantage of her distracted state, returning the tickling favor. She squirmed in my arms, her legs tangling in the sheets as she thrashed. 

"Stop! I can't!" she gasped, wiggling around as I laughed, tickling her mercilessly. I paused for a moment, letting her breathe before getting right back to my tickle attack. 

"Ajax!" she shrieked, scaring herself and me as well. I snickered as she clamped a hand over her mouth, glaring at me. 

"All the birds in a 50 mile radius flew away," I joked, standing up from her bed. 

"That's because you just made me scream so loud," she huffed, glaring at me. 

"Then seems like getting you to scream my name won't be too hard."

Her mouth dropped open as I smirked, dragging my eyes down her body. Her chest heaved and her cheeks were flushed pink making my mind wander dangerously.

"Stop looking at me like that," she muttered, looking down at the sheets as she moved to sit beside me. 

"Like what?" I asked, smirking at her uncomfortable state.  

"You know," she glared, tilting her head up to look up at me. I turned to face her, dragging my eyes up her body. My subconscious cheered as I spotted the goosebumps rise on her skin and her body shiver slightly. 

"I'm just going to let you pretend that you don't like it."

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