Chapter 25

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Mila's POV

"I absolutely hate you, nasty old piece of wet sock dumbass shithead," Lena swore, hitting me with a rolled up magazine.

"Stop it!" I scowled, shoving her arm away from me. She fumed as she glared up at me, her eyes blazing.

"Why didn't you pick up any of my calls?" she huffed, steering me towards her car.

"Yeah, sorry about that," I chuckled sheepishly.

"Care to explain?"

"I've been busy working on choreography. We still have a third dance to do, assuming we make it to the third round of Nationals," I explained, watching the snow blend into a blur of white.

"You're doing all of it by yourself?" she asked in surprise and I nodded. 

"Mind telling me why Adam was lecturing Ajax yesterday?" she questioned after a moments silence. 

"What?" I turned to look at her in confusion. 

"Yeah, he was pretty mad. Did you guys mess up a lift or something?"

"Well, sort of. I don't know what happened. He just faltered and I lost my balance, but he caught me in time."

"Adam was really mad, he went off on Ajax. I didn't hear much, but he was yelling at Ajax. Something about Anna not being his partner and how she can't control him. Then he called Anna's parents and Ajax into Oskar's office. I don't know what happened after that," Lena explained. 

"Oh," was all I could say. 

"You guys didn't use the folding mats?" Lena asked, her brow raising in question.

"No, we've already run through that routine hundreds of times. There's no way it could've gone that badly. Plus when we're performing there won't be a mat."

After a few moments she asked the question I had been thinking all night. 

"Do you think he did it on purpose?"

We shared a look as I shrugged my shoulders, biting my lip apprehensively. 

"Whatever, let's forget about it," I sighed. Lena nodded, launching into a list of things she wanted for Christmas as we pulled up to the studio. I could always count on her to get my mind off things. 

Tomorrow we would be taking the train to Dresden for the competition, and I couldn't help but feel completely unprepared.

Lena continued to ramble as I walked beside her, but I was too focused on seeing Ajax again. The look of anger on Adams face had me worried. He never got mad.

"Great," I mumbled, pulling open the door to the studio.

A thought crossed my mind as I vaguely remembered the conversation I'd overheard at Ajax's house. The one about dropping someone.

Holy shit.

My eyes widened at the revelation and I quickly waved bye to Lena. 

"Good luck, I'll see you at lunch," Lena spoke, offering a sympathetic smile.

I turned the corner towards the room when I bumped into someone. A scoff left the persons lips as I began to apologize. My eyes clashed with the cold blue of Anna's eyes as I looked up.

"Watch where you're going," she snapped, her face in a permanent scowl. I scoffed, shaking my head. My gaze drifted to her neck and my eyes widened as I noticed her necklace.

My necklace.

My red heart necklace. The one my parent's gifted me.

On Anna's neck.

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