Chapter 56

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Hey y'all. Hope you guys like this chapter :).

I've also been thinking about changing this books name cuz it's basic af.

And then yesterday I saw a comment and I decided it was time to change it but I'm really bad at coming up with names.

Any thoughts on titles for this book?

Ajax's POV

Times Square.

I never thought I would ever find myself in the place my father described to me as a child. It was almost 1 in the morning,  and the place was packed.

You would think everyone was asleep by now on a Thursday night. But no, it seemed like it was daytime.

Bright lights lit up the entire block. The ads that everyone talked about panned across the sides of the buildings.

It was so bright, it made my eyes hurt.

"Do you have your glasses?" Mila asked, pulling me from my thoughts.

"Oh yeah," I nodded, fishing out the chromatic glasses from my pocket.

I put them on, blinking to adjust to the colour change.

"Holy shit," I muttered, staring up at the skyscraper in front of me.

There, perched atop of the building, was the world renowned crystal ball. The 2022 sign was still displayed, clearly visible from the ground.

Yellow taxi's drove by in masses with every wave of traffic. People laughed and talked, the smell of street food filling my nose.

"This," I began, turning to look at Mila, "This is my favourite place ever."

"Is it?" she laughed, tilting her head.

One advantage I had with these glasses was that my eyes were hidden. Meaning I could admire Mila without her ever knowing.

She was wearing a black coat with a blue-grey turtleneck, her necklace resting against her chest. My eyes traveled up to her face. Her eyes shined with excitement, darting around just like mine had.

My gaze flickered to her lips.


Oh damn.

So that's how she looks in red lipstick.

It would be safe to say that red was my favourite shade of lipstick on her.

But then again, I say that about every shade.

I shook my head, trying to clear my mind of thoughts about kissing her.

Somehow Mila managed to hear her phone ringing over the chatter.

"Hello? Oh hey Adam," she chirped, sending me a look that said "oops".

"Let's not get ahead of ourselves here dad. It's only 1:35, not 2 yet," she said sarcastically making me laugh quietly.

"Alright! Okay, we'll be back."

"Yes, I have two beds why?"

"Oh. Okay, I'll let him know. Sweet dreams," she cooed sweetly and I could almost hear Adam grumbling at her.

"Let's head back?" Mila suggested, pocketing her phone.

"Can we stay a bit longer?" I pouted, slumping my shoulders.

She stared at me a moment, narrowing her eyes.

"Don't give me puppy eyes."


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