Chapter 37

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Hello munchkins 🙋‍♀️. Sorry there hasn't been much dance in the past few chapters. There should be maybe 2 more before it's back to the usual dance related chapters. I just don't want to have any plot holes because i jumped from Christmas till after New Year with no explanation in between 😅.

My classes have resumed after winter break so my scheduling will change a bit. I'll probably post earlier than before - before noon PST. Just an FYI :).

I hope you all have a good day today .

Mila's POV

"I'm scared," I muttered as Ajax drove through the gates of his grandparents property.

You heard that right, gates.

These people are rich rich.

"Why are you scared?" Ajax laughed, looking over at me.

It was dark now, but the driveway was lined with softly glowing lights.

"I don't know. Is there anything I should know before meeting your grandparents?"

"Ummm, they hate small talk. And they're really forward so don't be surprised if they ask you something... weird."

"Lovely," I muttered.

"My cousins daughter is a real talker, she never shuts up," he continued and I froze.

"Your cousins are here too?"

"Liebling there's a lot of people. I don't even know everyone."

"Jesus," I whispered, pinching the bridge of my nose.

"Relaaax, it's not that big of a deal."

"Not tha- you're so annoying," I sighed, crossing my arms. He simply laughed, rounding the car to open my door.

"You look stunning," he smiled, taking my hand.

"Thank you," I mumbled.

"Oh and my grandparents don't speak English that well," he added.

"Did you not think about telling me any of this earlier?" I whisper-yelled as we walked toward the big ass house.

No joke, I wouldn't be surprised if there was a private theater inside.

My heels clicked against the paved driveway as we walked up to the door.

^pic for some idea of what the house looks like

Here goes nothing.

I was blown away by the interior of the house. It looked like a hotel lobby with tall. I could see my reflection on the spotless marble floor.

Right in the front of the entrance was a giant Christmas tree with the most stunning decorations.

I was a sucker for high ceilings and this house definitely took high ceilings to another level.

"Ajax is that you?" a familiar voice called.

"Ja, ich bin's (yeah, it's me)," Ajax replied, taking my hand again and leading me to another huge hallway.

"I thought you weren't going to show up till tomorrow," Zoe joked, giving her son a hug.

"Hello Mila, looking beautiful as usual," she smiled, hugging me as well.

"Thank you," I smiled, my heart warming at how kind she was.

We followed her through large double doors into a dining room.

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