Chapter 22

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A/N: Double update my lovelies ;) 

Mila's POV

"Success?" Ajax asked, glancing over to me as we stepped out into the parking lot.

"Success," I grinned, leaning my head against the window as I faced him. I had changed back into my black skinny jeans and cream off the shoulder sweater, along with the much needed ski jacket on top.

"Hey, I was wondering if you waned to stay at my place for a bit. I invited some friends to watch the fussball game," Ajax said, the tips of his ears turning pink.

"Are you sure?" I asked, raising my eyebrows in surprise.

"Yeah, the more the merrier," he shrugged, his emerald eyes focused on the road ahead.

"Hmmm, depends. Who's playing?" I asked, a smirk on my lips. Out of the corner of my eye I caught Ajax look over at me and smile.

"Dortmund vs. Bayern," he said and I grinned, nodding my head. Nobody would miss der klassiker.

Fussball, or soccer, was the most popular game in Germany, if not Europe. I had been to a game once before. I had to shower twice because of the lingering scent of beer in my hair. It was still an experience regardless.

Oddly enough, I never did any sports aside from dance and swimming. Yet I always watched whatever sport was playing, giving me a generous amount of knowledge. Carson always joked that whoever I married would hit the jackpot because of that.

"So are we just heading straight to your place?"

"Yeah, unless you need to get something from home?"

"Nope, I'm good."

As we were driving, I noticed how dark it was outside even though sunset was still 2 hours away. Then, I spotted the tiny white pieces falling.

Good thing Ajax had stopped at a red light because I grabbed his arm in excitement, effectively scaring him.

"Look! It's snowing!"

"Jesus Mila, you can't just do that," he grumbled, patting his chest. But even his eyes flitted around, taking in the little snowflakes that had begun to fall.

"Good thing I changed my winter tyres," he remarked and I snorted, remembering how I had to remind him 4 times before he did.

By the time we pulled up to Ajax's flat, the snow was swirling around in the wind. A thin dusting of white covered the floor and roofs as we entered his flat.

"Damn," I mumbled, glancing around the room. Ajax lived in a fairly new apartment complex on the top floor. The inside was a mix of dark grey and black with white accents here and there. A handful of green plants decorated the living area. I loved it.

"So, how long did it take you to clean?" I teased, letting him take my jacket and hang it up beside his.

"Oh God,  hours straight," he sighed, and I chuckled lightly.

"Well, I'll give you some satisfaction. It looks spotless."

"Wow, thanks. Make yourself comfortable. The others should be here in a few minutes," he said, disappearing into the kitchen.

"Mind if I open the curtains?" I asked, standing up and walking over to the ceiling to floor windows. I wanted to know what the view looked like.

"Sure go ahead, and could you turn on the lights too?" he asked, bounding up the stairs to get changed.

My sock covered feet padded against the hardwood floor as I went around turning on the lights. They gave the room a soft orange glow, perfect for the cozy ambiance. I grabbed the silky material of the curtains, gently pulling it aside. I held back a gasp as I looked out the window.

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