Chapter 33

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This one's a fun chapter lol so enjoy :).

Also I wrote this late last night so there might be a few mistakes. The chapter from yesterday was defiantly NOT proofread by me because damn. I made some pretty embarrassing grammar mistakes 💀. Anyways if u find them, point em out so I can fix.

Also Happy New Year to some of my readers in different parts of the world. I hope 2021 is a year for everyone to heal - mentally and physically. I wish you all the best 💙


Mila's POV

"Come on, it's just one night," Pia pouted, giving me puppy eyes.

"Lena already left with Ben and Anna. He'll drop them off," Ajax said, setting down his glass.

"Fine," I sighed, putting down my jacket.

I was about to leave when Zoe suggested I stay for the njght. Normally I would've left with Lena but she had family visiting so she had to leave early to prepare for tomorrow.

We had all gotten two weeks off from dance till the first Wednesday of January. Normally I would be excited, but that meant I wouldn't see my friends till dance started again. I would be stuck at home doing nothing.

Just me and ma house plants.

"Yay! We can have a girls night!" Pia exclaimed, dragging me to the couch. I finally took the chance to admire the decorating that Zoe had done around the house.

"It looks so festive in here," I said, impressed by the transformation.

"It does, Mom did a great job," Ajax smiled, wrapping an arm around her shoulder.

"So Mila, will you be flying back to Canada for the Holidays?" Stefan asked, setting down his beer.

"Uh, I don't plan on it," I replied politely, forcing a smile.

"So your family's coming here," he asked but it sounded more like a statement.

"Not sure yet. I haven't um, gotten around to planning anything," I said, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear.

"How about we open gifts?" Felix interrupted and I sent him a grateful look. He nodded subtly, looking over to his brother.

"Yeah, sure," he nodded.

We spent the next 45 minutes cracking jokes as Ajax opened his gifts.

It was quite amusing to see him struggle to open Lena's gift. She'd put it in 3 boxes, the last one wrapped 4 times with different patterned papers. Typical Lena.

I glanced up at the clock, remembering what I had planned to ask Ajax.

Everyone was immersed in a conversation about politics and Brexit and as a Canadian I could care less about the prime minister who always looked like he just woke up.

If I had one life goal it would be to fix his hair.

My guy needs a nice hairstyle.

(A/N: this isn't supposed to be offensive okay sorry 😅)

"I'm going to get some water," I excused myself, making sure I held Ajax's gaze. I hoped we could communicate with our eyes and he would meet me in the kitchen.

Sure enough, as I was pouring water Ajax's footsteps sounded behind me.

"Boo," he whispered in my ear.

"Oh no, I'm so scared," I rolled my eyes leaning back against the counter.

"Dang it, I almost had it," he said playfully.

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