Chapter 16 - M

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Mila's POV -  Slightly Mature Parts

Everything around me was muffled as I walked along the bank of the lake in a daze. The ground blurred beneath my feet with every step I took. The grass turned into wooden planks as I walked along the dock.

"Mila?" a voice called, sounding as if I was under water.

"Mila," the voice called again, clearer this time. I look up, my eyes meeting Ajax's.

"Are you alright?" he asked, holding out a hand to me as I neared the edge of the dock. A part of me wanted to keep walking, see how far I'd make it before the water submerged me. I was glad when Ajax pulled my hand gently, forcing me to sit beside him. My now dirty feet touched the water, dangling below me.

"I thought you were asleep," he spoke up after a moments silence and I could feel his eyes on me.

"I was," I replied bluntly, fiddling with the frayed end of his bracelet. I had tugged his hand so rested lightly on my lap, warming the skin through my shorts.

"His name was Carson," I started, catching Ajax by surprise, "He was my old dance partner."

He didn't speak as I told him the story that I hid from everyone. Not out of shame, but out of fear that I would break down again. But Ajax deserved to know. He was my partner now. He was my Carson.

"I'm sorry Mila," he mumbled, shifting beside me, his hand still encased in mine.

"I shouldn't have said those things to you, and I'm sorry for being a dick."

"It's okay, we're all dicks sometimes," I sighed, smiling when he laughed. The full moon reflected beautifully off the still surface, creating a mirrorlike appearance.

"What's your story?" I asked him after a moments silence.

"I started dancing really young, my mom's idea. She was convinced I was a dancer after I showed off some moves at her collogues wedding. Over the years I started to love it, so much that I was always in the studio. I did my homework in there too. I managed to keep up my grades while doing dance 6 days a week. My dad didn't really like that. He wanted me to play fussball or  tennis. When I was 16 he told me he'd kick me out if I didn't stop dance because it wasn't "manly," Ajax spoke distastefully. I snorted at the statement, wondering how someone could be so closeminded.

"My mom convinced him to calm down and that's why our relationship is a bit awkward. I guess he's accepted that dance is something I love and nothing could ever change my mind."

"But it bothers you," I noted.

Ajax's head whipped to look at me, his eyes flashing.

"I understand that," I said quietly before he opened his mouth to retort. "Not having your fathers support and pride is hard."

"Yeah well, I don't really care anymore," he said coldly, shrugging indifferently. I stayed silent, even though I knew that wasn't the case.

"Let's go for a swim," he said suddenly, pulling me up.

"What? It's nighttime and I'm not even wearing a swimsuit," I pointed out, gesturing to my baby blue t-shirt and spandex nike-pro shorts.

"Live a little," he smirked, pulling his shirt off to reveal his tanned skin. My eyes trailed over his muscles, rippling with every move as he dove into the lake.

Here goes nothing.

I threw my hair up into a bun, sliding into the cool water. It was humid outside, the sound of crickets still clear along with an occasional croaking of frogs.

The sound of the water lapping against the banks was calming. Despite the clear blue water, I quickly realized the lake was deeper than it looked. I jumped when a cold splash of water hit the back of my neck. Turning around, I spotted Ajax grinning at me, his eyes twinkling with mischief under the moonlight. I didn't hesitate to splash him back, catching him right in the face. Within seconds I was hit by a ginormous wave hitting my side. Curse him and his long ass arms.

"Did I ever tell you how much I hate you," I stated, glaring at him as I wiped my face. He chuckled deeply, the sounds sending goosebumps across my skin. He turned away from me, swimming towards the center of the lake. I took advantage of the moment, lunging onto his back, pushing his shoulders down. His head disappeared under the surface before I felt his arms grab my legs and pull me down. We both surfaced, coughing out the water in our mouths. I took a moment to admire his smile that showcased his straight, white teeth. I then became aware of how close I was to him. His hands gripped the back of my thighs and my legs wrapped around his waist. My hands were on his shoulders and I unconsciously ran my hands down his chest. His dark green eyes regarded me carefully, scanning my face before landing on my lips. My cheeks flushed as I bit my lip in embarrassment.

Adding to my flustered state, Ajax reached up, pulling my lip out from under my canine. I was aware of him leaning closer, but I made no move to pull back. The tension around us was so tight, it was like a rubber band stretched to the max and ready to snap.

A split second later, his lips were on mine. It was a chaste kiss, too short for my liking. I didn't understand my feelings in that moment, but I was too occupied to care. Ajax looked like he was about to pull away but I brought his lips back to mine, biting gently on his lower lip. The water warmed around us as his lips traveled down my jawline to my neck.

Somehow an innocent dip in the lake had turned into a steamy makeout session. Not that I was complaining.

His grip on my ass tightened as I moaned softly.  Suddenly Ajax stopped, resting his chin on my shoulder.

"If you keep making sounds like that I won't be able to stop myself from taking you on that doc," he whispered making me shiver. Suddenly, I was feeling extremely aroused as he pressed against my hips and I knew we would have to stop. I shuddered, closing my eyes as my mind wandered. My eyes flew open as I realized what was happening and I forced myself to think rationally. I could feel him hardening against my core as I shifted my hips.

"Fuck," Ajax muttered, closing his eyes. I took pity on him, releasing my legs from around his waist and moving away. I could feel his gaze on me as I pulled myself out of the water onto the dock. I heard his footsteps behind me as I walked into the cabin. Bending down, I used a tissue to wipe my muddy feet. I bit back a smile as I heard Ajax take in a sharp breath. Booty shorts for the win.

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