Bonus 2

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You guys are such needy beings smh. 

JK, anyways, here's another chapter. 


Mila's POV

I could feel fingers dancing along my skin as I turned over in bed. 

Something warm brushed against my legs and I shuddered at the feeling. 

"Morning," I heard Ajax's deep voice say, a hand running through my hair. 

I hummed in response, pushing my head into the crook of his neck.

"Sleep well?" he asked, wrapping an arm around my waist. 

I nodded, enjoying the warmth radiating off of his muscular body. 

"You look like you're feeling much better. Your face is looking less pale."

"I feel better. I think I needed a good nights rest," I replied, still laying with my eyes closed. 

A few moments later, I opened one eye. Ajax gazed at me with a lazy smile on his face. The same smile that made me fall in love with him. 

"Don't you have work?"

"I asked if I could work from home. It took a bit of negotiating, but he gave me the day off and work from home for the rest of the week."

I couldn't hide the smile that tugged at my lips. Ajax chuckled giving me a long kiss. 

His fingers continued to draw circles on my skin, gently pushing my shirt up. I grabbed his hands as they traced patterns on my stomach. 

"Stop, that tickles," I laughed, pushing his hands away. 

"Oh really?" he smirked, moving to hover over me. 

"Does this tickle?" he asked, placing a wet kiss on my collarbone and blowing air over it. 

I giggled at the sensation, pushing his messy head of hair away from me. He straddled my hips, pouting as he pulled away. 

"You're mean," he huffed. 

"Sure," I rolled my eyes. 

He smirked mischievously, before tickling my sides again. 

"Ajax! S-Stop! I can't breathe!" I gasped between laughs. 

It was all fun and games until the same uneasy feeling came over me. 

"Stop," I repeated, and his hands immediately fell to his side. He noticed the change in my tone and realized something was wrong. 

Shoving the blankets off the bed, I ran towards the bathroom where I threw up yet again. 

I felt my hair move away from my face as Ajax tied it with a hairtie. I was crying and throwing up at the same time, making it hard to breathe. 

"Shhh, Mila you need to calm down. I'm here. Just let everything out of your system."

He knew I hated throwing up. I even stopped drinking excessively so I wouldn't have to experience the disgusting sensation. 

By the time I had calmed down, my throat felt raw. My body was shaking as I slowly stood up. I could almost feel the fear radiating off of Ajax as he stood behind me. 

He disappeared for a few moments whilst I freshened up and flopped back onto the bed. 

"Here, you need to eat something nutritious."

He handed me a tray with fruit, orange juice, and eggs. 

I frowned, staring at the eggs. The smell was making me nauseous again. 

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