Chapter 12

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Ajax's POV

The sound of drinks and laugher filled my ears as I scanned the area. Pushing through the crowd, I made my way to the bar.

I left Mila to meet with some friends while she sat with Lotte and Gabby.

"Hey, old man decided to join us," Max called, draping his arm over Dean.

"Don't tell me you're already drunk," he groaned, shrugging his arm off.

"No sir!"

"He had 3 margarita's already," I chuckled, definitely a bit tipsy myself.

"I did not! Only 2.75!" Max exclaimed.

"That's basically 3," Dean chuckled.

"No it's not!"

"How many did you have?" He asked me.

"Uhhh, a beer and some other random drink. It was bloody spicy though," I laughed, finding everything funny for no reason.

"Oh shit, what's happening there?" Dean asked, looking over my shoulder. I turned around, not seeing anything. Following Dean's lead, we walked over to the corridor that lead to the bathrooms.

"Didn't you hear her the first time? She said no," Mila's voice rang out. She stood face to face with a guy, her heels bringing her to his height. One of his hands was around Lena's waist while the other was in Mila's grasp. Lotte and Gabby stood behind them but kept their distance

"And you are?" he asked, an irritated expression on his face.

"About to cut off your future blood line if you don't let her go."

He shared a look with his friend who stood near the restroom door.

"Damn, gutsy. I like it," he smirked and I moved forward, my hands itching to strangle him. Dean held up a hand, stopping me. Mila tugged Lena away from the man and she stumbled into her arms, the drink in her hand splashing onto the floor. She lurched towards Lotte who was tipsy herself.

"Obviously you didn't learn what the letters N O mean so let me tell you. No means you let go and walk away," Mila snapped, her body in an aggressive stance. She turned to walk away from him and I moved forward, already seeing his hand reaching out to grab her. The second his hand touched her, she spun, her arm flying out to push him against the bathroom door.

"Don't test me," she spat, her knee coming up to his crotch making him double over in pain.

"Fucking prick," I muttered, hurrying to the group.

"Lena, are you okay? Did he hurt you?" she asked.

"She's wasted," I commented, my eyes flickering up to Mila's.

"Oh really?" she rolled her eyes.

"Sorry, that was rude of me," she said quietly moments later.

"That was probably the hottest thing I've witnessed all night," I chuckled making her smirk.

Fuck. Stupid idiot Ajax.

"Oh, so I'm hot?" she raised an eyebrow at me.

"I didn't say that," I replied, sobering up after my mouth blurted out whatever was coming to mind.

She didn't reply, brushing past me. Her arms crossed as she headed to the bar. I took a seat beside her, but she still stared straight ahead at the glasses lining the wall. My eyebrows furrowed in confusion as she reached up, wiping next to her eye. Is she crying?

"Mila I didn't mean it like that," I said quietly, turning to face her.

"I mean, I know I'm not all that but really Ajax?" she sniffed, wiping her nose with the back of her hand.

I leaned over, pulling her chair closer to mine. Not knowing what to do, I settled on giving her a hug. I was even more confused when laughter bubbled out of her and she pushed away from me gently, a mischievous look in her eyes.

"You are so easy to toy with, it's not even funny."

"I hate you," I mumbled, running a hand through my hair.

"I'm gonna check on Lena, see you later Mr. Gullible," she said, waving her fingers. I watched her retreating figure, my eyes trained on the sliver of exposed thigh between the edge of her skirt and the top of her boots. As if she felt my gaze, she turned and winked, a smirk playing on her lips.

What a temptress.

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I stumbled through the crowd, trying to find the bathroom. My hair was a mess and something sticky was in the front strands.

"Going somewhere?" A voice asked, catching my attention.

Mila grabbed onto my upper arm, leaning against me. Even though she had been dancing all night, she still looked put together. Only her lipstick was smudged from drinking.

"Where are you going?" I countered, wrapping an arm around her waist. She pressed up against me, the warmth spreading through my body. Her waist arched at my touch as I brought her to me, hands hovering over my chest. I was surprised when she ran her hands down my abs, almost to the waist band of my pants.

"Mila," I warned, watching her bite back a smile. There was unmistakable tension around us and I had no idea where it came from. Maybe it was the alcohol.

I stared down at her, watching the sultry look on her face.

"What are you doing to me," I muttered, resting my forehead against hers. I barely had a chance to blink before her lips were pressed against mine. My hands found their way to her hips, gripping them tightly as she tugged at my hair.  Spinning her around, I pinned her against the wall.

It felt like my lungs were going to burst as I pulled away, breathing hard. Mila gazed up at me, her eyes glazed over and cheeks pink. She reached up, wiping what I'm assuming was her lipstick from my lips. Her fingers were warm as they brushed against my skin sending tingles spreading through my body. 

I couldn't help but lean down and press my lips against hers again. It was almost as if I was addicted to the way she fit against my body.

"Ajax, we're both drunk," she gasped as I bit down on her ear gently. I paused reluctantly, resting my head on her shoulder as she leaned against my chest. 

"Say it again, say my name," I growled lowly in her ear, smirking when I felt her shiver. She shook her head no. 

Fine then, we'll do this the hard way. 

Dipping my head, I connected my lips with the skin under her ear. A small nip at the skin made her gasp. 

"Stop," she breathed, but her body said otherwise, hips pressing against mine. 

"Say my name and I'll stop," I mumbled against her skin. I sucked gently and she gripped my biceps tightly, her nails digging into my skin. My arm held her up as her legs weakened, a moan escaping her dark painted lips. 

"Ajax," she moaned and I released her skin from my lips. Fire spread through my body as she moaned my name. I smirked in victory, pulling away from her. 

"I hate you," she said breathlessly, glaring up at me.

I chuckled knowing she would probably murder me once she spotted the hickey the following morning. 

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