Chapter 36- M

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Y'all I can't believe there's so much diversity in my readers. I asked you guys to comment last chapter and I had people from Europe, South Africa, Nigeria, Venezuela, Serbia, Bosnia and a few more. That's literally insane, I love you guys  🥺. 

Also can someone care to explain why all my mature chapters have more reads than the rest? Explain that ya dirty minded little monsters 😈

Anyways, here's another spicyyyy one because the people ask and I deliver.

Mila's POV

"Oooh, you should get that, it's so cute!" Lena mocked, holding up a grey sparkly beanie with a cat on it.

"It matches your outfit," she added, glancing down at my light grey sweater, black tennis skirt, and combat boots. Lena was adamant that we wear something cute to the mall despite it being freezing outside. Good thing there was heating inside because the sheer tights I wore under the skirt did little to warm me.

"And you should totally get that," I grinned, pointing at a pair of Grinch slippers. She gave me a deadpanned look and I stuck my tongue out at her.

"So, what are you wearing to Christmas dinner?" she asked as we walked through the mall.

"Ummm, I'm not sure," I shrugged, "Ooh we should go in there."

I pointed at a random store to distract her, only realizing a split second later that it was Victoria's Secret.

"Oooh, are you planning to get down and dirty with Ajax already?" she wiggled her brows making me turn red.

"Of course not," I scoffed, shaking my head.

"Then stop distracting me, why don't you know what your wearing?"

"I'm not doing anything for Christmas."

She stopped, holding my arm as she stared at me.

"Mila, you're not serious are you?"

I shrugged, taking a sip of my Lindt hot chocolate. It was heavenly by the way.

"You can't be alone on Christmas that's illegal," she stated, "You're coming with me to my parents house."

"What? No, I can't do that Lena," I shook my head, beginning to walk towards the outerwear shop.

"Yes you can! What you can't do is sit at home alone."

"Lena, I really mean it. I just want to be alone for a bit," I said quietly. She looked at me with a concerned look before sighing.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, I'm sure. I've been feeling a bit overwhelmed lately so I need some time to clear my mind."

"Alright, call me if you need anything. Even if it's 4 am," she spoke seriously.

"I will," I promised. She sighed, dropping the subject for now. 

"Oh shit, we're late," Lena mumbled, glancing at her phone.

Lena drove us to the train station and we reached 5 minutes before her train left. In Canada that wouldn't be too bad but in Germany, the trains were always on time. Not a minute later or a minute earlier. If that happened, the world was probably about to end.

We said our goodbyes and I gave her a big hug before she disappeared into the train.

Then it was just good ol' me as I drove her car back to our dorms.


I hummed along to Ariana Grande as I pulled off the sheer stockings I was wearing under my skirt. The waistband was so itchy that I couldn't bear wearing it any longer. Reaching up, I unclipped my hair, wincing as I patted it down. That one spot on my scalp always stung after being in an updo for too long.

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