Chapter 35

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Guys, I'm so sorry for the crap ton of mistakes in the last chapter, I was typing on my phone and it screwed up some of the spelling thingies yk. So sorry about that heh 😅.

Comment your country's flag because why not :).

Let's get some diversity in here. 

Mila's POV

That music sounds really nice.

I wonder what song I- oh wait.

I sat upright, scrambling to find my ringing phone.

"Hello?" I grumbled, rubbing my eye.

"Hi," a voice whispered back.


"That's my name Schatzi (treasure)."

"What happened? Is everything okay?" I asked, standing up and turning on my lights.

"Don't worry, everything's fine," he replied quickly.

"It's 3 in the morning."

"I know, I'm sorry. Can I come to pick you up?"


"Please," he whined and I could almost see his puppy eyes.

"Ugh, fine."

I quickly washed my face, brushed, and pulled a hoodie over my shirt. I didn't bother with my hair, throwing it up into a bun.

I heard my phone ding meaning Ajax had sent me a text that he was outside.

Slipping on my Vans, I hurried down the stairs to Ajax's waiting car.

"Good morning," I muttered, sliding into the passenger seat.

"Good morning," he grinned, kissing my temple.

He seemed to be wide awake somehow and it was quite annoying.

How does he have this much energy?

"I brought coffee," he said, an adorable sheepish expression on his face.

"Aww thank you! Trying to make up for waking me at the devil's hour huh?" I fake smiled, taking the to-go cup.


I could tell by the smile on his face he wasn't sorry at all.

"What happened?" I asked as we drove towards his house.

I couldn't help but feel concerned that he called so early in the morning.

"I missed you," he shrugged, glancing over at me.

"I missed you too," I replied, my heart fluttering.

His apartment complex was eerily quiet as we climbed up the million steps to his 6th floor apartment.

"When are they going to fix the damn elevator?" I huffed, pausing to catch my breath.

"No idea. Might as well build my endurance hiking to my own house," Ajax replied sarcastically  

Once we were in his apartment, I was met with the familiar scent of his cologne.

How the hell does it get everywhere?

"So, what's the plan?" I asked, taking the last few sips of my coffee.

"I don't know," he shrugged.

"Ajax," I warned, giving him a stern look.

"I know you didn't drag me out of bed to tell me you missed me."

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