Chapter 27

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Forgot to put it in the previous chapter but 

MERRY CHRYSLER EVERYONE!!!!!! (anyone know the vine ;) )

(and thank you for the wishes)

Third Person's POV

Ajax was probably more nervous than he'd ever been in his entire life. Even more than Mila was, he was just better at hiding it. He was glad Mila had a death grip on his hand, it kept him from bolting in the other direction.

Somehow, the two always ended up doing this weird squeezing pattern back and forth. It was like as if they were trying to say

"You there? I'm here."

"Good? I'm Good."

This routine would either make it or break it for them.

They both evaluated their chances as they watched their opposing team dancing to Train Wreck by James Arthur.

Blood rushed in Mila's ears as she took steps towards the stage. Once again she found herself blinded by the spotlights. She found herself asking why she went through the stressful torture over and over again.

"We got this," Ajax whispered to her as they got into their starting positions. Mila responded with a subtle nod.

Out in the audience, Felix and Pia were surprised to run into Zoe accompanied by Stefan.

"What are you doing here?" Zoe asked, surprised to see her son and his girlfriend.

"Ajax invited us," Felix replied, "What are you doing here?"

"We wouldn't miss it," Zoe responded, speaking mostly for herself as her husband scrolled through his phone.

"Shush, they're starting," Pia scolded, her eyes glued to the stage. They were close enough to see the pair, but too far to make out their faces.

Pia grinned as she saw her new friend dressed in a beautiful white dress, matching with Felix's younger brother. The crowd went quiet as the performance began.

^their second dance up there :) - Charity and Andres to Waves - Dean Lews

Both Mila and Ajax had no idea what was happening around them as they continued move by move through the dance. All they could focus on was the beats of the song and the sound of their own breathing. Mila's hands were clammy as she held onto Ajax.

Only when Mila climbed onto Ajax's shoulders did she become aware of the audience cheering. Well above the glare of the spotlight, she could see the dark room filled with spectators. Ajax's shoulders trembled under her from strain before she finally jumped off, into his arms.

The two couldn't help but smile as they did each turn and roundoff in sync without having to look over at each other. The timing was perfect, as if they both moved as one body.

As they both turned away from the audience, their smiles turned into grins.

"Oh my god, I can't believe we just pulled that off!" Mila exclaimed, jumping up and down as they exited the stage.

"My heart is going to explode, it's going to fast," Ajax laughed, running after the ecstatic brunette.

"We didn't mess up did we?" she asked, still catching her breath.

"No, I think that's the best run we've done," he grinned making Mila's heart flutter.

The two dancers stared at each other for a few moments before bursting into laughter.

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