Chapter 41

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Hey munchkins, happy Friday!!

: I won't be adding any descriptions of their practice for international competition because I want the routines to be a surprise when they actually perform. So instead I added this little bit here to give you some visual of a dance :).

Also the ending is hella cute ;).

Ajax's POV

"Ready, 1,2,3,4" Adam counted off as we started our first routine for competition.

Mila had already gotten majority of it completed with a little help from Lena.

I felt a bit guilty as I realized how hard it must have been to choreograph all the routines consecutively in a short amount of time.

Mila had been persistently asking me how I was doing after the mini accident. The front bender of my car had separated from the car's body. I had sent my car to the repair shop that same night and it was fixed the next day.

The man who hit the drivers side of my car was way tipsier than he claimed to be. When he struck my car, the impact made me hit my head on the side of the car, causing a small cut.

Mila freaked out over the thing injury which was quite adorable. But I did realize how badly I'd scared her that night.

After what happened to Carson I didn't want Mila to panic. So I told Lena to take her straight home, but knowing Mila, she managed to squeeze the information from her.

That happened almost a week ago and  today we were back on track with preparation for Competition. Our goal was to nail the first dance before we had to leave early to head to another studio.

Somehow Mila and I had blown up on social media, mostly thanks to Mila's previous popularity back home in Canada. I even had someone ask me for my signature last week at the mall.

It was really weird.

According to Oskar we needed more publicity so he got us another filming appointment. But this time it was with RDA's own media people.

Mila's social media accounts were still private and I rarely posted on mine. The posts on our studio's Instagram were flooded with comments congratulating and complementing us on our win.

It was a bit weird really, to go from being under the radar to suddenly the two most talked about people in the dance world.

"Ready to go schatzi?"

"Ready as ever mon amour," she smiled, tossing a water bottle at me.

"Ugh you disgust me," Lena gagged, a playful smile taking over her face.

"Hey now, you don't hear me voicing my opinions about you," Mila retorted.

"I'm just complaining about the ridiculous pet names," she laughed.

"I'm just compl- blah blah blah," Mila mocked and the two burst into laughter.

I stared at the two girls in confusion.

"You guys are weird as fuck."

"Shut up," they both huffed simultaneously.

I didn't even do anything!


Third Person's POV

"Nice to meet you two," the director smiled, shaking Mila and Ajax's hands.

"Adam told me you've filmed with James before, yes?"

"Yeah we know him," Ajax smiled, waving at the cameraman who usually filmed the studio's dance videos.

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