Chapter 60

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Third Person's POV

"You got this man, you're so close," Felix encouraged, slapping Ajax on the back. 

As usual, it was harder than necessary. 

Ajax sent him a glare, rubbing the stinging skin. 

"Aw, did that hurt?" Mila teased.

He rolled his eyes, not phased by her full 180. One minute she's pale as a sheet, the next minute she's attacking him. 

Yes, it did hurt. Would he admit it? Hell no. 

"Alright you shitstains, time to check in," Adam called from the door. 

Mila groaned, she regretted teaching him the word shitstain. 

Ajax gave her a weird look. She simply grinned, rubbing her hands together. He tried to run down the hallway but didn't get a chance to before her hand slapped his arm. The exact same spot Felix had. 

"Ah shit," he hissed, wincing. 

"Ha, take that," Mila said triumphantly, holding her head high. 

"I didn't even do anything!"

"Well, you must've done something sometime," she retorted.

"Remind me why I put up with you."

"Well,  you see there's plent-"

"Shut up."

"Alrighty then."

Mila then proceeded to pull at the bracelet strings on Ajax's arm as she sat beside him. Her leg bounced anxiously as her eyes darted around the room. 

Ajax stared at her hands as they played with his bracelet. Her nails were painted a pure white. He thought they looked nice, but he didn't dare comment on them. Last time he asked about her lashes, he ended up wearing them himself. God knows, Mila would probably end up painting his nails while he was sleeping. 

His eyes traveled up to her face, scanning her features. He could make out the light coating of mascara on her lashes. Her canines were sharp as they bit down on her lower lip, catching his attention. 

"Hey Mila," he began, taking her hand and intertwining their fingers. She hummed in response, tilting her head up to look at him. 

"I've been wanting to tell you," he continued. 

"Oooh yes, tea," she said, turning to give him her full attention. 


"Why are you still sitting here? Get up, you guys are next. Russian team's almost done," Adam scowled, shooing them from their seats. 

"Tell me later alright?" Mila said, tugging his arm towards the stage. 

"I have to pee," she whispered as they waited. 

"Again? What is it with women peeing so much," Ajax rolled his eyes. 

"Hey, my bladder has to relieve itself periodically," she huffed, crossing her arms. 

"Like every other human."

"Sure. Whatever."

"Alright, curtain in 5,4,3,2!"

Then, the curtain opened. 

"What the heck, what happened to the one? Does one not exist anymore?" Mila whispered as they walked onstage together. 

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