Chapter 59

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Hi munchkins! Thank you for the kind messages for my cat, I really appreciate it. He's doing much better now and I'm going to go pick him up in a bit. 

Thank you for 5K votes!! Y'all that's so crazy I never thought I would ever even have more than 5K reads.

I hope you guys like this chapter heehee🥰

Ajax's POV

Our eyes were fixated on the screen, watching the two dancers gracefully moving across the stage. 

Their dance was a lot more technique oriented than skill compared to ours. They also had a unique storyline that showed emotion. 

"Shit, we're so screwed," Mila mumbled, a horrified look on her face 

I had to admit, they were good. Really good. 

"Hey, you never know. They might not be looking for those specifics," I suggested, wrapping my arm around her shoulder. 

"Sure, sure Ajax. As if they wouldn't," she rolled her eyes. 

Ok red alert, she's mad. 

"I freaking had a feeling this would happen," she groaned, pressing her hands against her eyes. 

"Mila relax, whatever happens happens," Carson's mother said. She sent me a reassuring smile which I returned. 

"I don't believe we've met, I'm Ajax," I stuck out my hand and she shook it. 

"I've heard quite a lot about you. Nice to meet you," she said, a warm tone to her voice. 

That's good right?

That means she likes me- I think. 

"Alright how about we go get some snacks and then come back by 10 to see the results," Adam suggested, trying to be optimistic. 

I glanced over at Mila who was oddly silent now. I could tell she was internally panicking. 

"Hey, stop overthinking it," I spoke, interrupting her thoughts. Her lips were turned down in a frown and I poked her cheek. 

She glared at me but couldn't help the smile that made its way onto her face. 

"There's that smile," I grinned, and she pushed my hand away. 

"I hate you sometimes," she sighed, wrapping her arms around my waist. 

Now all we had to do was wait. 


Third Person's POV

"How much loooongerrrrr?" Mila groaned, anxiously bouncing her leg. 

"They're slower than that sloth in Zootopia," Jessica grumbled, leaning back against the wall. 

"The one at the DMV?" Ajax asked, chuckling in amusement. 

"Yeah that one," she nodded. 

They had been waiting for almost an hour just wasting away. All of them had gone to the café across the street and gotten coffee and something to eat. 

Mila felt like throwing up everything she had consumed.

The TV screen finally changed and the chatter in the room died down. Only to start up again when the stage manager said they would have to wait 10 more minutes. 

"Ughhhh, why. is. it. taking. so. long," she complained, bumping her head on Ajax's shoulder. 

In any other scenario he would've laughed and pushed her away, but he was too nervous to say anything. His body was tense and his palms were sweaty. 

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