Chapter 24

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Ajax's POV

I tensed as something cold touched my arm. My room was covered in darkness as I opened my eyes. Reaching out, I tried to stretch my limbs but recoiled when my leg hit something. 

My eyes nearly popped out of my head as my eyes zeroed in on a mess of long brunette hair. I was even more alarmed when I caught site of her bare shoulder peeking out from under the blanket. 

Oh no. We didn't... Did we?

I vaguely remembered carrying Mila up the stairs, but everything after that was a blur. Mila was curled up facing me, one hand tucked under the pillow, the other resting against my bicep. I shivered, her hands felt like ice cubes. 

I let out the breath I didn't know I was holding when I gently pushed the comforter down to reveal the off the shoulder sweater she was wearing last night. 

So we didn't. Phew. 

She whimpered quietly, moving closer to me as goosebumps appeared on her skin. I hastily covered the blanket over her before slipping out of bed. 

I quietly got into the bathroom and took a quick shower before running downstairs. 

What am I supposed to do?

I stood in my living room, trying to figure out what to do. I never had girls stay over this long, they'd usually be gone before I woke up. 

I should make food right? She likes food. Everyone likes food. 

I debated on making breakfast or ordering out, but then decided to make pancakes. Mila didn't seem like a picky eater so I crossed my fingers that she would like them. 

I was almost done with the last few pancakes when I heard the doorknob click open. Soft footsteps sounded down the stairs until they reached the kitchen. I was waiting for Mila to say something, but I eventually turned around when she didn't. 

I fought back a laugh as I spotted her standing in the doorway, itching her eye harshly. Her hair was a tangled mess and bunched up in some spots. I cringed when I noticed she was still wearing skinny jeans, feeling bad that she had to sleep in them. I was too out of it to offer her a change of clothes. 

"Mojen (Morning) Mila," I greeted, amusement clear in my voice. 

"Huh?" she blurted, followed by something incoherent. 

Okay so she's definitely not a morning person.

"Damn, do you wake up like this every morning?" I teased, sliding a plate of pancakes towards her. 

"Mhm," she mumbled, sitting on the stool and leaning her head on her arms against the counter. 

I finished making the remaining pancakes and brewed some coffee. When I turned, I thought Mila was asleep again, her head still resting on the countertop. 

"Hey!" I called, tapping the granite and she groaned, looking - sorry, glaring - up at me through her hair. 

"I hate you," she grumbled, going back to "sleep". 

How adorable. 

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

"Mila! Are you seriously falling asleep?" Adam demanded, standing in front of Mila who was leaning her head against the wall, eyes closed. 

"No sir, just resting my eyeballs," she replied, not bothering to open them. 

Adam shook his head, muttering something along the lines of incompetent generation of children. 

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