Chapter 52

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Hiiiiiiiiiiiiii everrrrryyyyyoooneeee! 

Welcome back to todays episode of: How Will Ajax Fuck Up Today?

Lol jk, things are getting a move on now. Mila's being a strong boss ass bitch and taking back control of her life. As she should. 

Ajax is being Ajax - AKA useless and grouchy LMAO 

So have fun reading hehe 🥰

Mila's POV

"How's it going?" Lena asked as I slid into the passenger seat. 

"Much better I guess. Therapy is helping I think."

"You think?"

"I don't know yet. It's helping... but I can't tell how."

"Hm, well at least it's helping," she smiled, glancing over at me. 

"You're a great friend you know that," I smirked, poking her arm. 

"Aw don't go all sappy on me now," Lena rolled her eyes playfully. 

"Wow okay fine. I hate you."

"Good. The feeling's mutual."

We shared a look before laughing at our weird dynamic. 

"How are things with..." she trailed off hesitantly. 

"We're friends now. I don't want to get into the relationship mess right now. I need to prioritize dance and my mental health. It'll just distract me."

 "You're right. I understand that. How's he taking it?"

"Umm, I don't know to be honest. He seems okay with it?"

"Whatever he can chill for a while on his own," Lena chuckled and I laughed, nodding my head. 

A part of me felt bad for leaving Ajax hanging, but there was nothing I could do. I needed to sort myself out first. With competition coming up in just days, I was stressed. 

"See you at lunch," Lena waved as we parted ways. 

"Morning," Adam and Ajax greeted simultaneously. 

"Morning. What's the plan for today?" I asked in a light tone. I didn't want it to be awkward between us. Ajax was my partner and there was no room for awkward tension in dance. 

"I was thinking we run through the first two and then work on the final routine," Ajax suggested. 

"Sure, sounds good," Adam nodding, clapping his hands together. 

It was tough to get back into the routine of dancing. 

I had to mentally prepare myself for the flashbacks again. They weren't as frequent now and I managed to find a way to control them. 

You're fine Mila. You're safe. Nothing's going to happen to you. 

Deep breaths. 

Ajax was being really helpful as well, trying to make my job a lot easier. 

"You good?" he asked, tossing me a water bottle. 

I nodded, cold sweat forming on the nape of my neck from concentration. 

The balancing exercises had helped a lot, especially for the lifts we were performing. I was still nervous about our final routine, it was only half done. 

Adam said we could figure it out eventually. I was worried because in the midst of travelling from country to country, we might not have enough time. 

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