Chapter 54

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Hello my munchkins! I hope you guys are doing well and are safe and healthy. 

Thank you so much for all your support and for voting. I know some of you guys vote on every chapter and don't worry, I see you ;). 

If you could travel anywhere right now where would you go?

I really want to visit Iceland/ Falkland Islands 😊.

Happy reading! 

Mila's POV

"Can you see it?"

"Yeah, but there's nothing up yet," Ajax replied. 

Curse him and his height. 

We both craned our necks, trying to see the TV screen that would display our scores. They would be out of 100 based on 3 factors. 

I recognized the girl standing next to me, she was competing against us with her partner. They were representing Brazil. Both dancers seemed really nice, we chatted for a bit after rehearsals yesterday. 

"What do you think you got?" she asked, her eyes not leaving the screen. 

"Honestly, I have no clue," I replied. 

"I think we screwed up at the end, maybe a high 80," she sighed, wringing her fingers together. 

"Maybe they didn't notice," I shrugged. 

She opened her mouth to respond but a sudden chatter rose from the crowd as the screen turned on. 

"Here we go," Ajax breathed, his gaze focused ahead. 

One by one, the teams scores were displayed. 

Mixed reactions rippled across the room. 

Ours would come last because we were in the upper division and we performed second to last. 

"Ugh, I can't look," I muttered, turning to face Ajax's broad shoulders. I rested my chin on his shoulder, tapping my foot anxiously. 

"93! We got a 93!" Ajax exclaimed, wrapping his arms around me tightly. 

"Oh thank God," I sighed, relief flooding through me. A yelp escaped my lips as he spun me around. 

"I told you we did good," he smirked, setting me on my feet. 

"I really thought we messed up because of the story part," I sighed, rubbing my forehead. 

"What happened?" Adam asked, a confused expression on his face. 

"We got a 93!"

"What? That's amazing, congrats!" he cheered, his eyes wide in surprise. 

"I go to the bathroom for 2 minutes and miss everything," he grumbled, shaking his head. 

We quieted down as static came through the PA speakers. 

"Congratulations to all teams that scored above a 90, you will be heading to New York City! See you in four days!"

"Holy shit we're going to New York!" I sang, doing a little shimmy. 

"I've never even been outside of Europe," Ajax said in awe, his eyes twinkling with excitement.

"Congratulations!" the girl from Brazil smiled, shaking my hand. 

"Thank you! Congrats to you too," I grinned. They scored a 91 on their performance. 

I was a bit concerned by how close we were cutting it, only 3 points away from the threshold.  

It was quite a struggle to get out of the hotel lobby. Media swarmed outside the revolving doors of the hotel, prohibited from entering the hotel. 

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