Chapter 42

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This was typed up on my phone so if There's mistakes... oops.

Anyways, I got some help from @Idontwantanacc0unt1 so thank you for giving me some inspiration 😅. 

Happy reading munchies 🥰. 

Mila's POV.

"Hey y'all! Heads up!"

I ducked just in time as a snowball came flying at my face.

"I told you not to aim for the face!"

"And since when do I listen to you?"

"Since when did heads up mean duck?"

"Good question."

I rolled my eyes, trudging back down the slope. We'd decided to go skiing for one day before everyone got caught up in competition season. It was the first weekend in February and a nice layer of fresh snow coated the slopes.

Well, the boys decided to go skiing.

Lena and I were just bad at it and Gabby and Lotte were too lazy. Ajax made a big show out of the fact that I was bad at something for once. He'd never let this one go.

"Mila Simard bad at something? Mon dieu, the world must be ending," he gasped mockingly.

Yes, he also stole my line of saying mon dieu. The guy couldn't be original if it was the last thing he did.

"So how's it going with His Majesty the Grouch?" Gabby joked as we got coffee and hot chocolate.

"Amazing," I replied, not going into too much detail.

"Aww come on, spill," she whined.

I hesitantly told her a bit about how things were going in our relationship. Despite being friends, I was still weary of her unfortunately. I couldn't shake the fact that she was friends with Anna. That witch with a b. Thank God Adam kicked her out of the studio. I would've thrown some hands if she was around me any longer.

"So did Ajax tell you about the party tomorrow?"

"What party?"

"The one at the club across from Ben's restaurant?"

"Ohhhh yeah, he's been talking non stop about that," I nodded, remembering how he wanted to take everyone on an outing. We occasionally did that, usually before a stressful week to get some fun in. Everyone took turns paying for drinks or a meal.

"I'm so excited, it's been like a month since we went out for drinks," Lotte grinned, doing a little dance in her seat.

"Don't get too excited," Lena warned playfully.

"Too late," I joked making everyone chuckle.

Ajax's POV

"I swear I have shin splits right now," Max grumbled, rubbing his shins.

"You're fine, stop being a baby," Dean scolded, throwing a handful of snow at him.

"Do you want to take a break?"

"Yeah, can we? I really want to make sure I don't have shin splits," Max pouted.

"Ugh, fine. We can head down and then get something to eat. I'm starving," Dean agreed.

"Race you," I called, taking off towards the bottom of the black diamond slope.

I chuckled as I heard the boys shout 'cheater!' after me, trying to catch up to my headstart. I almost ran into a little boy crossing the path and had to swerve to avoid him. Kids these days.

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