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Ajax's POV

My foot tapped against the floor as I scanned the isle.

How many damn pregnancy tests does one need?

I sighed, running a hand through my messy hair.

Google, here I come.

I scanned through a few articles before settling on a brand. Grabbing the box, I made my way to self check out.

A bouquet of red roses caught my eye and I quickly took a single red one and added it to my bill.

My fingers tapped the steering wheel nervously on the way home. I debated taking the long way home, just to rid myself of my nerves.

It had already been 17 minutes since I left the house. I knew I had to wait at least 15 minutes because Mila would be suspicious at how fast I went to my office and back. At the same time I didn't want to leave her at home alone for long.

Instead, I opted to drive very slowly.

Even when I got home, I sat in my car, staring at the dashboard.

"Ok Ajax, just hand her the box and say, hey, I think you might be..." I couldn't even bring myself to say the word.

It seemed so foreign.

I wracked my brain to recall if we had used protection the last time, but I couldn't remember. I was thinking so hard, I felt like I was going to go insane.

Groaning, I pinched the bridge of my nose.

When did life become so complicated?

Mila's POV

"I'm so excited for this, holy shit," Adam exclaimed, dumping several boxes on my bed.

"What the fuck Adam? I asked for a test not 100!"

"Oh shush, I couldn't tell which one was the right one," he muttered, waving his hand.

My stomach churned as I stared at the box.

It had really come to this.

"Hurry up and pee on the damn stick," Adam urged, pushing be towards the bathroom.

"Okay, okay."

My hands were shaking as I tried to open the packaging. My eyes kept glancing at the clock. It usually took Ajax 30 minutes just to get to work and back and he had already been gone for 15. Adding time in the office, he would be back in roughly 20 minutes.

"Fuck, Adam can you open it. I can't," I said quietly, trying my hardest not to cry.

The door opened and a sympathetic Adam took the package from my hands.

"It's going to be okay. Don't overthink it," he said, handing me the stick.

God, this is so fucking stupid. I have to pee on a stick to know if there's another human in me.

I sighed, peeing on the stupid stick.

"How long do I have to wait?" I asked through the door.

"Er, three minutes."

Time seemed to pass at a snails pace. When Adam told me time was up, I couldn't bring myself to look at the stick.

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