Chapter 57

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Hey my little munchkins. I couldn't think of anything to write so here's a random filler chapter LOL. 

This song is so popular rn, so I thought you guys might want to see a dance for it. So here ya go :)

Mila's POV

"Oh shit, I forgot which exit I usually use," I muttered, scanning the airport. 

"Should we just head out to the main road?" Ajax suggested, looking around. 

Pearson Airport. Which was for some odd reason called YYZ. 

Je n'ai jamais compris

But I was finally home. 


My time had always been equally split between Toronto and Quebec. My mother was the CEO of a company that had its headquarters located in Toronto. 

I prayed I wouldn't bump into her. 

That witch with a b. 

It felt weird, really weird, to be back in Canada. 

Everything was so normal. So familiar. 

And I loved it. 

"Damn, it's wet," Ajax remarked as we stepped out of the airport. 

"That's what she said," I blurted. 

He snorted in amusement, shaking his head at my immaturity. 

The snow probably melted from the suns heat as it shined above us. 

We took a quick 20 minute drive from the airport to our hotel. We were staying at the Chelsea Hotel which happens to be Canada's largest hotel. It was a 5 minute drive from the theater we would be competing at. 

"That's lake Ontario," I said, pointing out the window at the large body of water. 

"Am I allowed to be proud that I know what lake that is?" Ajax asked, his yes sparkling with amusement. 

"Sure," I chuckled, a warm feeling settling in my chest. I never realized how homesick I was until I came home. There was too much going on for me to sit and think about how much I missed Canada. 

"Those are the Toronto Islands. If we have time, we can take a ferry there," I suggested and he nodded eagerly. 

I couldn't help but smile as his eyes darted around, trying to take in as much as he could. 

"Adam, what time do we need to be ready tomorrow?"

"Check in is at 8:30 and competition starts at 9:30," he replied from the front seat. 

"Cool," I nodded, leaning back. 

"I can't believe we're competing for the title of best in the world," Ajax muttered, a dazed look on his face. 

"I know right! I never imagined we'd make it this far."

We scored a 97 on our last performance. Apparently my storyline was more developed than they expected. 

Ha, take that ya suckers. 

Nobody critiques me and gets away with it. 

Just kidding, I'm joking. I promise. 

I just get butthurt sometimes. 

"Have you two made any changes to the choreography?" Adam asked. 

"Uhh, not really. I made sure this had a story behind it because it's the final round."

"Holy shit I still can't wrap my mind around that."

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