Chapter 51

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Happy Monday my loves 🥰. Sorry it's a short chapter but here u go 😊 

Mila's POV

"Thank you for coming Mila. Have a nice day," Dr. Weber smiled. I waved to her before leaving the building.

I finally agreed to go to therapy.

That night I woke up in the hospital with everyone crowded in my room. Everyone was worried about me and I didn't know how much I scared them.

Lena was crying hysterically and Ajax ended up throwing up from the stress.

The doctors said my blood sugar was low because I wasn't giving myself enough nutrients to energize myself. Oops.

For the longest time I never thought I had mental health problems. I never thought I would suffer from depression or anxiety or anything really. I was taking medications yes, but I never let myself believe I had depression.

I was in denial. No, I'm just a little sad. No, it's totally normal to feel like I'm worse than everyone else.

But it wasn't. It was like everyone had been piling up and I kept pushing it down until it exploded right in my face. I was so caught up in other things that I let myself slip. Being mentally strong was something I always prided myself in, but now I was in way over my head.

That's when I realized I really needed help.

Sometimes it's okay to be broken. It's okay to need help.

I was just stubborn and let my pride get in the way of my own health.

The past few weeks had been the lowest point in my life.  But in a way, that incident made me realize that there were people who really cared about me.

Fuck my parents for not giving a shit.

I had a whole squad of friends who supported me and cared about my well being. They were more of a family than my parents could ever be.

And they helped me realize that I was better than they made me seem. Growing up I was so used to being in someone else's shadow. Always being told I wasn't good enough.

Now I knew that I wasn't useless or unworthy.

I was strong and I could do anything I wanted. I wasn't better than anyone else and I wasn't worse. I was just me.

"Mila, I got you something," Ben had said after I'd woken up.

"What?" I asked curiously.

"A shirt that says BS on it," he said smugly.

I raised a brow.

A shirt?

"BS for what? Like bullshit?" I asked.

Everyone burst into laughter, even Lena managed to let out a tearful chuckle as she squeezed my had.

"No! It's my initials," Ben huffed, a hurt expression on his face.

"Oh oops," I laughed, my cheeks turning pink.

"Why would she want your initials on a shirt?" Lotte asked, rolling her eyes playfully.

"Why? You jealous?" I asked, sending her a challenging look.

"Fight me," Lotte grinned, holding up her hands.

"Settle down ladies, there's enough of me to go around," Ben said, puffing out his chest.

Suddenly the door opened and the doctor stepped in, a surprised look on his face when he saw all 5 of us crammed in the room.

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