Chapter 29 - M

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A/N: Fair warning, this one's spicy 🥵. No really, it is. I'm not joking.

Like literally, there's no way you guys are ready for this.

So for my innocents, I'll put this 🔥 before as a warning :)

Third Person's POV

"You'll come for Ajax's birthday on Friday, ja?" Zoe asked, holding Mila's hand in hers and patting it.

"Only if I get an invite from his highness," she teased, looking over at Ajax. He chuckled and leaned back in his seat.

"I'll think about it," he said, playing along.

"Good," Mila nodded, unbuckling her seatbelt.  They stumbled into the hotel, waving bye to Ajax's mom.

"I'll see you guys tomorrow morning!" Mila called, waving to Felix and Pia as they stumbled into their hotel room.

"Bye!" Pia giggled, her head disappearing behind the door.

"They're so gonna fuck," she blurted and Ajax visibly cringed.

"Ewww no," he gagged, struggling to put the keycard into the slot.

"Just saying," Mila shrugged, almost falling as the door she was leaning on was pushed open. Ajax snickered, walking past her into the dark hotel room. He cursed as he bumped into the suitcase stand by the closet.

"Karma's a bitch," the brunette giggled, stumbling towards her bed. The only light was the moonlight coming through the blackout curtains of the room.

"Jesus, how much did we even drink?" Ajax mumbled, trying to find the bathroom light.

"Hmmm, like a lot," Mila replied, giggling like a little girl.

"I love how your mom didn't even try to stop us," she grinned, remembering how Zoe had just let them celebrate whilst sipping her own single beer.

"I love my mom. She's really relaxed. I remember she gave Felix beer for the first time when he was 7. Some people say she's a bad parent but she let us experience things on our own."

"She really loves you," she said quietly, laying on her back with her eyes closed.

"I know."

It was quiet for a few moments and Mila just sat there, thinking. The silence, it was bothering her again. It amplified the voices in her head.

She quickly got up and stripped from her jeans and threw on an oversized sweatshirt. The room was cold as the heater was turned off while they were out. Mila debated wearing sweatpants but then decided she was too lazy to pull them out of the suitcase from across the room. Instead, she settled against the headboard wearing her black dance bottoms.

"You can get ch- oh," Ajax paused, realizing she had already changed. He frowned when he noticed the distant look on her face. The tiny crease between her brows as she sat staring at the sheets.

The drinks caught up to Ajax as his gaze fell on her bare legs. He'd noticed how long they were, tanned and smooth. He wondered for a second what it would feel like to have them wrapped around him.

Jesus Ajax, get a grip.

He cleared his throat, moving to his bed. If he stared too long and let his mind wander, he'd have another issue to deal with.


Mila's heart fluttered at his husky voice as he pulled back the sheets of his bed. Her eyes flicked over to him.

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