Chapter 20

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Hi everyone! I just wanted to say thank you again for all the support. I love reading all your comments and responding to them as well. Constructive criticism is always appreciated so feel free to drop some feedback in the comments. As for my updating schedule, I'll try to update everyday but if not it'll be every two days. THANK YOU AGAIN 🥰🥰.

Mila's POV
"Mila! Come join us!" Max called from the outdoor picnic table as I pushed the door open. The wind was blowing nicely as the sun shined on the campus. It was a lovely day to say the least, but we all knew it was the calm before the storm. The news had been going crazy about the huge dumping of snow we were going to get in the middle of the week, likely forcing us to stay inside for the majority. The first snow of the season and it was going to be a blizzard.

"I have to make a phone call," I informed, plopping down on the bench. Lena glared at me as I stole a chip from her bag.

Yes, I know. I'm basically a seagull.

"How's Anna?" I asked, dialing the number my mothers work.

"She's good, her parents will drop her off later today. She got a long lecture from what Ben told me. She doesn't know how to swim very well," Dean said.

"Wow, I thought she's been there before?"

"She has, and she's swam with us. I don't really know what happened this time," he shrugged.

I looked up at the sound of the door slamming shut, catching sight of Ajax making his way to the table. The breeze ruffled his already messy hair making it look like a birds nest.

I scooched over to the corner of the table so I could talk on the phone without the chatter interrupting. I was surprised when Ajax's lips quirked into a small smile in greeting as he sat across from me. Returning the rare smile, I turned my attention back to the phone call.

Ajax raised his eyebrow at me and rolled my eyes, conveying my annoyance with the situation. He chuckled lightly, munching on a carrot stick. I reached over, plucking one from his tray. He glared at me which I returned with a wink, taking a bite out of the crunchy carrot.

"Hey Stacy, could you connect me to my mother please?"

"Uh, who am I speaking to?" an unfamiliar voice asked. I realized that this wasn't Stacy, my mothers usual secretary.

"Mila, Elizabeth's daughter."

"Excuse me? Elizabeth doesn't have a daughter," she scoffed.

"Listen lady, I don't have all day. I'm sure you'd rather just connect me instead of listening to me bitch about you," I snapped, feeling absolutely done with the whole situation. Ajax snorted and I stuck my middle finger at him. Eavesdropper.

"Fine," she huffed. Moments later, my mothers voice came through the line.

"What is it? I have a meeting to get to."

"Hello Mrs. Simard, lovely to hear your voice," I spoke in a sickly sweet tone.

"Who is this?" she asked, confusion clear in her voice.

"Let me make this clear. Unblock my credit card and leave me the fuck alone. Or I'll be making a short phone call to Carson's mother," I hissed, feeling my cheeks heat up in anger. Carson's mother was a lawyer and she could make my life so much simpler, my mother knew that.

"Well damn," Ajax muttered, looking up from his phone as I ended the call. His dark green eyes regarded me carefully as I let out a breath. My cheeks were probably red from the anger I was feeling. Surprisingly, I could've sworn I saw a glint of admiration in his eyes as I set down my phone.

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