Chapter 44

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Bonjour mes petits croissants!

We reached 125k reads!!! WHOOOP WHOOP!

I haven't had much time to respond to comments so sorry about that. I hope you guys like this chapter hehe.

Question: Will you be taking the COVID vaccine once it's approved in your country? (Do you feel safe taking it?)

I personally feel like I might take it, but I'm still hella skeptical so maybe after a few months 🤷‍♀️

I love you

Have a good day and stay safe😊!

Third Person's POV

"One more round. Ready and 5,6,7,8!"

My mother said I'm too romantic.

She said, "You're dancing in the movies"

I almost started to believe her

Both Mila and Ajax held their breaths, waiting for the cue. Their faces stoic, their attention fully focused on perfecting the moves.

They had been goofing off nonstop while stretching and warming up. Every time their eyes met they would end up laughing. Mila didn't know if Ajax felt the same, but she felt as if she was even closer to Ajax now. Like they had a closer bond.

Ajax was feeling other things.

Pure adoration.

He didn't know where it came from, but every time he looked at Mila he felt warm and happy. He just wanted to hug her forever.

And the craziest thing was that Ajax hated hugs.

With only 6 weeks remaining till competition, the stakes were high. There was no room for failure.

"You both look constipated, relax. Show emotion. Pain, sadness, grief, anything but whatever that is," Adam spoke, watching the duo's movements carefully.

Every time they danced, Adam was blown away by their synchronization from the very start. Right of the bat, both of them were in tune with each others movements, even if it was their first time performing the routine.

He watched Mila leap onto Ajax's shoulder without any hesitation. A smile tugged at his lips as he saw how far she'd come from her first dance with Ajax.

"Good, perfect timing," he nodded. Mila smiled to herself, not losing focus for a second.

Ajax was aware of how seamless their dancing had become. At first Mila would always match her movements to his. But now they both executed each leap and turn without having to glance over at each other. As if they already knew who was doing what.

Mila grinned when her dark chocolate eyes clashed with Ajax's vivid green ones, a smirk appearing on his face. She tore her eyes away from his captivating gaze to enter the last piece of the dance. The final movements had to be clean and precise.

She moved her body to the beat, knowing Ajax would be carrying out his part even though she couldn't see him behind her. Their fingers intertwined as they stood, catching their breath.

"Brilliant, you've done it. I think that was perfection," Adam clapped, impressed by the two young dancers.

"Sweet, can we go?" Ajax asked, already itching to head out the door.

"Mila, you can go. Ajax do some pushups. Your gains seem to be lacking recently," Adam said in mock distaste, gesturing to his biceps.  Mila snorted in amusement, sticking her tongue at him as he shot her a glare.

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