Chapter 45

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TW: mentions of assault and traumatic descriptions - (not too detailed, I couldn't write that but look for the ⚠️)

Hola mis pollitos! Sorry for the cliffhanger back there 😅.

I just wanted to say that this chapter is really heavy and I wrote this part with the intention of bringing awareness to the issue.

It doesn't matter what your wearing, who you're with, or what you're doing. The question "what was she wearing" pisses me off so much because it doesn't fucking matter what she was wearing if she said no.

Nobody deserves to be violated in that way. Doesn't matter if you're a man or a woman.

So, if you're ever at a bar, club, college party whatever, always be aware of your surroundings. Not just for your own benefit, but also so that you may be able to help someone who really needs it.

Okay sorry went into a little rant there.

Mila's POV




My heart raced as I stood abruptly from my chair.

I shoved through the crowded dance floor. The exit was all the way on the other side of the club. I didn't look back, my heart pounding in my chest.

Although I should've been scared, I wasn't. I was in a crowded room with hundreds of people, there's no way anything could happen to me.

My eyes scanned the darkened corners of the club, finally spotting Thomas's blonde head. I didn't bother apologizing as I pushed through sweaty bodies, keeping my eyes on him.

"Hey Mila," he waved, a cocktail shaker in his hand.

"Hi, have you seen Ajax?" I asked, my voice coming out shakily.

"Umm, I think I saw him leave with this blonde chick," he spoke loudly over the sound of the music.


"Yeah, sorry babes. He left about 5 minutes ago," Thomas said, a sympathetic look on his face.

"Oh do yo-"

"Hold on," Thomas interrupted as the sound of shattering glass reached my ears. My eyes caught sight of a wine glass shattered on the floor, a man leaning on the counter completely waisted.

I didn't get the chance to ask him if he could call me an Uber, my phone tucked away in Ajax's jean pocket for safe keeping.

I knew I had to get out of here.

Nearly 10 minutes passed as I stood at the counter, not wanting to return to the far end of the club. Eventually I decided to go look for Lena.

I had last seen her by the staircase that was blocked off, leading to an upstairs section of the club with rooms reserved for... other things.

Adrenaline rushed through me as I hesitantly made my way towards the bar where I was previously sitting.

"Lena!" I shouted, relief flooding through me as I spotted her dancing with Gabby and a random guy.

She laughed at something the man said, but didn't hear me as I shouted her name. The music was now pounding in my ears and I felt sluggish.

I was so focused on getting Lena's attention, I didn't realize the man had caught sight of me.

My hands were beginning to shake and it was hard for me to concentrate on walking in a straight line.

My mind reeled as I remembered what I'd learned in my health class all those years ago.

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