Chapter 19

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Mila's POV






"Love. These are easy," I pouted as Ajax rolled his eyes. He was giving me random words to "improve" my German.



"Ich mag dein lächeln."

"I love your smile?" I translated, a smile on my face as I realized what Ajax said.

"I do," he smiled simply, shrugging as if it wasn't a big deal.

It was a pretty big deal to me, he awoke the whole damn butterfly zoo in my stomach.

"Danke," I mumbled quietly, focusing back on the road ahead.

"We need to fill gas before getting on the Autobahn," Ajax said, replying to a text on his phone.

"The next one?" I asked, glancing over at him in the passenger seat.

"Yeah. Dean will meet us there he needs to also," he replied, running a hand through his hair.

It seemed like both of us had decided to ignore the events that happened on the lake a two nights ago. Just like last time, it was as if it had never happened.

I leaned forward in my seat, glancing over into the next lane and turning off the road. We pulled up to a familiar Shell gas station. I got out quickly, taking the green nozzle and filling up the benzin.

"Inside right?" I asked, poking my head back into the car. Ajax looked up at me and nodded his head a small smile on his face. I gave him a questioning look but he shook his head and looked away.

I walked into the mini shop and handed my credit card to the cashier. He swiped my card without a second thought. I reached to retrieve my card when he shook his head.

"Kreditkarte abgelehnt," he said, placing the card on the counter.

What the fuck does that mean?

I wracked my brain trying to figure out what he said so I didn't look stupid. I vaguely remembered the word abgelehnt and suddenly realized it probably meant declined.

"I'll be right back," I replied in German, pushing the door open. I didn't have to walk to the car because Ajax was already walking towards me.

"What happened?" he asked, his brows furrowing in confusion.

"My card was declined, do you mind if I use yours?"

"Of course not. Here," he pulled out his wallet, handing me his card. I quickly paid for the gas and hurried back to the car. Dean pulled up right as I sat in the drivers seat. I rolled down the window as Dean did the same.

"Am I seeing things? Or is Mila driving Ajax's car?" Max exclaimed, leaning forward from the passenger seat. A chorus of "what's" came from the back seat making me laugh.

"Shut up," Ajax mumbled, not bothering to look up from opening his sparkling water. My eyes lingered on his lips as he took a sip from the bottle.

We waited for Dean to fill gas before pulling back onto the road.

"You can go faster," Ajax said, his eyes on the speedometer that read 120 kmh.

"There's no speed limit on this part of the autobahn," he explained just as Dean's car overtook us on the left.

I had noticed the absence of the black and white speed limit signs in the rural town we'd been driving through.

Any other day I would have refused, especially after what happened with Carson. But something told me it would be okay.

So I stepped on the gas, relishing the hum of the engine as it revved. I eyed the number as it increased to 145 kmh.

"Fun right," Ajax smiled and I felt his gaze on me. I bit back a smile, nodding my head as my grip tightened on the steering wheel.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"Do you want to switch," Ajax asked, looking over at me as I stifled a yawn. We had been driving for 3 hours since the gas station and I was starting to get tired.

Driving while tired was something I would never do, especially after what happened with Carson.

"Sure," I nodded, pulling over. We got out of the car and I stopped to admire the setting sun.

"Is it nice?" Ajax asked, looking at me from inside the car. I almost asked him why he couldn't see for himself when I remembered he was colourblind.

"It is," I nodded with a soft smile. Reaching into my pocket and grabbing my phone, I snapped a quick picture.

We sat in silence as the miles passed, slowly inching towards Berlin. My eyes fluttered closed as I felt myself falling asleep to the vibrating motions of the car.

Just as I was about to fall asleep, my phone began to explode with notifications.

"What in the world?" I muttered, glancing at my phone screen.

Service had just reconnected and all my notifications came through at once, bombarding my poor phone.

"Damn," Ajax laughed, watching the banners drop down. I shook my head, skimming over them quickly. One notification caught my eye that made me frown.

Your credit card has been blocked from the account ending in 1761.

I felt anger bubble in me as I connected the dots. There was only one person who could have blocked my card aside from me. My mother.

"Home sweet home," Ajax spoke, parking in front of my dorm. I got out of the car, pushing away the credit card situation.

"Thank you," I smiled, taking my suitcase from him.

"Everything alright?" he asked, a frown on his lips that made him look adorable.

"Perfect," I grinned, holding my arms open.

"Hug?" I asked, a cheeky smile on my face.

"Before you say no, you agreed to being friends," I reminded. He rolled his eyes, reaching out to give me a hug. I relished the warmth emitting from his body, taking in the scent of his cologne. A part of me loved the way his arms wrapped around my waist. It made me shiver in delight.

I might just buy that scent as air freshener for my room.

God, you're so creepy Mila.

"See you tomorrow?" I asked, pulling away from him a few moments later.

"Unfortunately," he replied, a lazy smirk on his lips that made my knees weak.

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