Chapter 48

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Hello Munchies! Happy Friday!

This is a super rushed chapter, sorry! I have an exam in literally 6 minutes and I'm ✨panicking✨. I'm uploading this during a zoom call #rebel aha I'm so quirky 🤪. 

Lmao I'm not okay. Anywayyyy's I hope this chapter is satisfactory.  Ummmm tomorrow's update will be 10x better I promise. 


Third Person's POV

Mila got ready for dance at a sluggish pace. Her mind was foggy and all she could think of was how her life had gone to shit in less than 24 hours. 

There was no coping for her. The only coping mechanism Mila had was to make herself so busy, she never had time to think. 

A heavy feeling of sadness settled in her empty chest as she went through the monotonous routine of getting dressed. 

She stared in the mirror dressed in black leggings and a sports bra. Shaking her head, she pulled on a long lavender waffle knit shirt. Concealer covered up the marks on her neck. 

By the time she stepped out of her dorm, Lena's car was already gone. She didn't blame her, Lena had explicitly told her to rest. 

The more Mila rested, the worse she felt. 

Breaking into a run, she headed off to the studio. 

By the time the brunette reached the dance studio, she was breathing hard as sweat formed on her hairline. 

"Mila?" Lena asked in surprise, her mouth dropped open as she passed her in the corridor. 

Mila gave a small nod before rushing into the small studio room. 

Today there were no classes from Adam and no duetting with Ajax, which she was very grateful for. 

It was just Mila today in the back room. The one day of the week where she could do whatever she wanted. 

Dance was one thing she channeled all her emotions through. And she would do exactly that. 

Lena had made sure nobody found out about what happened to Mila without her permission. Not a single word was said by her and Ajax simply didn't show up to dance today. 

To say Lena was concerned would be an understatement. 

Mila should be resting, she should be crying her eyes out. She should be emotional. 

But instead, the brunette was acting like nothing ever happened. 

Lena immediately understood she was trying to bottle everything inside and hoping it would go away. There were too many emotions so it was better to feel none at all. 

She so badly wanted Mila to talk to her, especially after seeing her run rom Ajax's flat with tears on her cheeks. 

At the same time, Lena wanted to give her space. Some time to breathe without being bombarded by everyone's questions. 

After having an internal batter, she decided to call Ajax. 

"Hey shithead."


"Who else? What's going on between you and Mila?"


"What did you do?" I demanded. 

"I fucked up really bad," he sighed.

"Meet me at Ben's in 10 minutes."

Lena quickly checked on Mila, peeking in through the window in the door. She was in the middle of a routine and she found herself pausing for a moment to watch her. 

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