Chapter 15

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Mila's POV

"Took you long enough," Lena called, stepping onto the front porch of the lakeside cabin. 

"But we made it," I grinned, tossing her my Gatorade which she gladly took a sip from. 

"Nice tyre," Max joked, crouching down to inspect it. 

"How long did it take for you to fix that one?" he asked Ajax. 

"Wasn't me," Ajax replied, nodding his head towards me.  

"Nice! I had a feeling Ajax was too incompetent," Max grinned, giving me a hi-five. I chuckled seeing the annoyed look on Ajax's handsome face. The lower portions of both cars were now dusty from the dirt road that led onto the property. 

"This place is beautiful," I spoke, looking around me. Tall trees lined the outskirts of the lake, birds rustling in the branches. The water was a stunning greenish-blue and clear enough to see the rocks under the surface. The sun was setting, casting a twilight glow over the area. 

I dipped my fingers into the water, enjoying the cool feeling. Running back to the cabin, I flicked my fingers at Lena's face making her yelp in surprise.

"You're so annoying," she muttered, rolling her eyes playfully. 

"I second that," Ajax called, rolling his suitcase into the cabin. 

"You're one to talk," I shot back, but he'd already disappeared into the hallway. 

I grabbed my suitcase and followed Lena to my room. It was adorable, a small bed against the main wall and a window to the right of it. I knew the sunrise would be stunning from that view. 

The cabin hummed with excitement as we hurried about getting situated. Everyone was rushing through the house to get settled quickly so we could go out to the lake for a swim. The weather for the next three days was warm, hovering between 70 and 80 degrees. It was a rare pocket of warm weather in the middle of November and we wanted to take full advantage of it. 

Lena and I had gone shopping the other day to get a swimsuit for me because I hadn't packed one. It was already 9 by the time we'd all gotten our things in place. It was as if we were moving in instead of staying for three nights. 

"We're gonna head out to get some food," Max spoke, popping his head into my room where the girls and I were chatting. 

"Can we come?" Lotte piped up, her voice hopeful. 

"Wait remember those cookies the local store has?" Gabby asked and Lena nodded in excitement. 

"They were amaaazing!" 

I flicked from person to person as they all got up, filing out of my door.

"Are you coming?" Lena asked, grabbing her phone from the side table. 

"Nah, I'm feeling hella lazy right now," I shrugged. 

"Oh yeah, you were up really late last night. You should rest," she said, glancing at the clock. It was only 9 but I could feel the tiredness seeping into my body. 

"We'll be back in maybe and hour or two. The store is about 40 minutes out from here."

I waved to the group as they piled into the car before heading back inside. 

Last night I was awake till almost 3 trying to work out the choreography for the final round of Nationals. It had to be perfect because it would boost us to the advancing rounds. If it was anything less, we might risk our advancement into the International championship. Lena helped me for a bit before I shooed her off to bed, knowing we would aim to leave at 10 the following morning. Neither of us had packed yet meaning we needed to be up even earlier. 

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