Chapter 38

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I'm so shook, I never imagined this book would even get more than 1K reads 😭. I owe it all to you guys, thank you!

What's your favourite cuisine? I love Italian, Mexican, and Indian food :).

TW: brief mention of blood

(but it's not gory or anything)

Mila's POV

I lay in bed, staring up at the high ceiling.  Rain pattered against the titled roof and wind rattled the window panes. The Victorian styled room wasn't to my liking.

It was scary.

The transparent drapes did little to keep the flashes of lightning from illuminating my room.

It was cold despite the fireplace attempting to heat the carpeted room.

A large canopy with heavy curtains covered my bed and the pillows were as soft as a textbook.

I lay there for what felt like hours with my eyes closed. I'd even taken a melatonin but it did little to calm my restless mind.

For the past week, every time I'd close my eyes, the same nightmare plagued my sleep.

The nightmare that was my past.

Over and over, I found myself reliving the moment I found out about Carter's accident.

The sound of crunching glass beneath feet, the sirens, the flashing lights reflecting off the puddles. The rain pouring down, just like it was right now. The sound of my blood rushing through my ears as I ran towards the wrecked metal that was once a car.

Then his face.

His blood trickling down his temple, his pale skin, his hazel eyes wide open, his mouth parted as if gasping for one final breath, and his lips turning blue.

It haunted me.

I didn't want to forget. I didn't want to forget that night. Because it would mean forgetting him.

But I was so sick and tired of that stupid dream. The same one over and over again that had me gasping for breath as I sat up in bed.

Nothing ever changed.

I knew what would happen.

I knew exactly which door I'd open, which road I'd take, which officer I'd see first.

The same exact nightmare.

Only it had once been real.

Every time my eyes closed, the darkness would give away and I could feel myself slipping into that same dream. Now it was to the point where I was afraid to close my eyes.

So instead of tossing and turning, I got up and walked to the door.

The floor was freezing cold and I was confused for a hot minute.

These people be rich asf but they can't afford proper heating? Excuse me?

I somehow wandered down the hall without tripping over my own ice cube feet. And I ended up in front of Ajax's room.

What's the worst that could happen?

I quietly turned the doorknob to reveal a room similar to mine. Only it was less creepy.

But it was still freezing cold and somehow Ajax was still sleeping shirtless.


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