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Ask and you shall receive :)

Hopefully this is a good enough epilogue lol, I'm usually rlly bad at these.

Also I've decided to leave the title as it is because nothing rlly fits perfectly so I'm going to keep it as it is :).

Big thank you to @heyyitsnina318 @ridihenste @Natasha001987 @you_drew_stars @SamRajah @JewelBally @Holy_water_123
@freddiebabies @boringb1tch48 @teehee83 @Ajboyd @VioleyHersheyJenkin @erokalliga and a bunch of other ppl. Thanks familia y'all r the best 🥰🥰.

Third Person's POV

"Stupid doorknob," Mila muttered as the belt loop of her jeans got stuck in the doorknob.

"Short people probs," Ajax teased, putting on his jacket.

"Shut up," she scowled, stomping to the staircase. Ajax shook his head in amusement and followed her down to the kitchen.

"Ready?" he asked.

"Mhm," Mila nodded, allowing him to take her hand. She followed him quietly as they walked down the street.

The neighborhood was a quiet Sunday morning, everyone was sleeping in with their families.

"This used to be my house," Mila said quietly, slowing as they passed a house similar to Carson's.

The lawn had overgrown and weeds grew from the cracks in the driveway. The paint was chipping from the sides and a few shingles were missing from the roof.

The building was in shambles.

Much like Mila's relationship with her parents.

A large tree stood beside the house, it's bright green leaves slowly coming back. On the trunk of the tree, a small carving was engraved in the wood.


Mila smiled fondly at the carving, a deep feeling of nostalgia filling her.

It was hard to believe that was 15 years ago.

Ajax watched her features carefully, trying to figure out how she was feeling. He squeezed her hand gently and she looked up at him.

The sparkle in her warm eyes told him everything was okay.

They began walking in the direction of Mila's old high school.

"I used to run to school everyday because I could never get up on time."

"I can totally see that happening every morning. just a montage of you bolting down the street," Ajax laughed quietly.

Mila's heart raced as they neared the gates of another place that reminded her of her childhood.

The cemetery.

There were always rumors that ghosts haunted the place. Every Halloween, a group of kids would get caught sneaking in after hours. A yearly occurrence in the neighborhood.

Mila never dared to step foot in there, it was too unnerving for her.

Up until Carson's funeral.

The smell of soil and moss filled her nose as the gates creaked shut. She shuffled closer to Ajax who wrapped his arm around her shoulder.

He was proud that she made the decision to come here today.

The blunt thorns from the white chrysanthemums dug into her hands as she clutched them tightly.

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