Chapter 32

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Hello my little munchkins, I hope you like this chapter. I'm gradually making them longer as requested so let me know what y'all think. I love reading your comments, some of them are so funny 😆. (I try to reply to as many as possible)

Thank you for all the love and support 💙💙💙.

Mila's POV

"Oh thank God," I sighed, opening the door to pick up the package dropped off.

Today was Ajax the all mighty's birthday.

We should probably stop calling him stuff like that, it inflates his ego. Actually, I'm surprised it hasn't burst yet.

After we got back 4 days ago, I panicked because I didn't have anything for Ajax. I didn't know what to get him either. I was shit at buying gifts for guys. He already had a nice watch, nice clothes, amazing cologne, luxury car - not that I would buy one if he didn't have one. You get the point.

I was lying in bed when I came up with the best idea. The most amazing idea. Because I'm smart comme ça.

I decided to buy him EnChroma glasses. Yup. Brilliant right?

It was free shipping for the holidays but the total still came to about $300. I was willing to spend that because... I don't know why actually. I wouldn't even spend more than $100 dollars on myself.

Whatever, I can worry about being broke later.

The package was supposed to arrive this morning, and yet it was late afternoon and I was getting worried. But thankfully the package arrived an hour before I was supposed to be at Ajax's house.

The guy actually sent me a invitation. Like a whole ass letter.

Mila Simard,

You are cordially invited to attend Ajax's 23rd birthday.

You don't need the address, just don't run here.

P.S. leave your hair down.


Royal King Ajax

Again, can he get any more conceited?

I ran to my closet and grabbed the wrapping paper with silver and blue snowflakes on it. Ripping open the boring cardboard box, I placed the original white packaging on my bed and wrapped it up.

"Yikes," I mumbled, glancing at the clock. I took Ajax's advice and called an Uber as it was already dark outside. Daylight saving was the bane of my existence.

I threw on a pair of black skinny jeans and a cute beige and white striped sweater. Since he explicitly asked me to, I left my hair down and simply ran a comb through it. After a bit of debating, I did a champagne themed eyeshadow look and added winged liner.

For some reason I subconciously wanted to look nicer than I usually did. It was weird, I actually wanted to dress up. As I was getting ready, I couldn't help but think about how Ajax had gone from hating me, calling me fat (still lowkey butthurt about that), calling me annoying, stealing my beloved necklace, and even trying to incapacitate me, to asking me on a date.

Tell me you don't find something wrong with that.

That's suspicious, that's weird.

Jumping around with one boot on, I grabbed my phone and tossed it into my bag.

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