Chapter 30

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Mila's POV

"Yo, get up," a voice called. I winced as I tried to lift my head. It felt heavy and as if someone was banging a hammer on it.

"Owww," I groaned, sitting up right and holding my head. I jumped when my palm hit something warm.

Rubbing my eyes, I found myself sitting on Ajax's bed... next to a sleeping Ajax.

If he's still sleeping, then who's at the door...

"Ajax! Get up! Your brother is outside!" I yelped, slapping his bare shoulder as I flew out of bed.


"Your brother! Outside! Get ready!"

"Oh great," he groaned, taking his own sweet time getting up.

"How did we oversleep so late," I muttered, unzipping my suitcase.

"Felix?" I called.

"Yes? Are you ready?"

"Give us 5 more minutes, we need to double check that we took everything. And I can't find my passport," I lied, quickly tossing all my important documents into my suitcase.

"Alright, don't rush. Pia is still getting ready. I just wanted you to know that we'll be leaving soon," his muffled voice came through the door.

"Oh okay, thank you!"

I let out a sigh of relief as he walked away from the door.

"Sweet hangover huh?" Ajax remarked as I came out of the bathroom.

"I did not realize we drank that much," I stated, zipping up my suitcase.

"Probably because it was on an empty stomach," he shrugged.

"Yeah but it was a just a mickey and one or two more drinks," I huffed, pulling my hair into a messy bun.

I noticed he wasn't looking at my face as I spoke, his gaze was focused elsewhere. For some reason I found myself holding my breath as he came closer, reaching out to touch my neck. I flinched lightly at his cold touch, his eyes on my neck as he caressed my skin gently.

"Proof it wasn't a dream," he spoke huskily, his voice suddenly octaves lower awakening the butterflies in my stomach.

My brain suddenly short circuited as I realized that I'd woken up in Ajax's bed. I turned away from him, eyes widening as big as saucers as memories of last night returned. My cheeks burned as I put my hands over them.

Oh. no.

I turned around slowly, glancing up at Ajax who stood with an amused look on his face. He caught my horrified expression as his signature smirk lifted the corner of his lips.

"Let's go home shall we?" he smirked knowingly, tilting his head to the side.

I shook my head, completely embarrassed as I tossed a pillow at him.

Forgive me father for I've sinned.

Wait who am I kidding, this can't be forgiven.

Or forgotten.

We packed up our suitcases and got dressed in record time. I opened the room door just as Pia was coming out of hers.

"Hallöchen (hello)," Pia grinned, waving at me as she rolled her suitcase over. The four of us would take the train back to Berlin. Pia and Felix would go home with Ajax until the day after his birthday. Zoe would join them tomorrow.

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