Chapter 14

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"Is it going to be cold?" I asked Lena as I dumped clothes onto my bed.

"No, Cologne is usually warmer than the rest of the country because it's a lower region," Lena explained, sucking on a lollypop on my bed.

"Oooh yay," I grinned, pulling out my floral tops. I loved winter but I was tired of wearing coats 24/7. My summery clothes had been neglected for nearly 2 months.

"So we're planning to take 2 cars, Dean will have his Volkswagen with 6 people. And Ajax's BMW is a 5 seater. There's 7 of us and Max is going with Dean because he hates driving so they'll alternate.

"Oh okay, what about the others?" I asked, rolling my clothes to fit into my small carry on suitcase.

"Well, Lotte Gabby and Anna will be together and then I'm just there so you can join us."

"Then who's gonna be with Ajax?"

"He'll be solo with the luggage," she shrugged and I frowned.

"How long is the drive?"

"6 or 7 hours," she said making me raise my eyebrows.

"He'll have to drive the whole time alone. That's gotta be boring."

"Well, he said he was okay with it but I do feel bad. We'll be partying and he's just alone."

"I'll go with him," I sighed, tossing in my toiletries bag.

"Are you sure you won't rip each others' heads off?" she asked, a concerned look on her face.

"Nothing a short ER trip can't fix," I shrugged. We shared a look before bursting into laughter.

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"Mila! You spasti (dumbass)! You forgot your phone in my car," Lena called as I was putting my suitcase into Ajax's trunk.

"Are you sure you didn't steal it to spam my camera roll?" I asked, slamming the trunk shut.

"A thank you would be nice," she rolled her eyes, sticking her tongue at me.

"Küss meinen Arsch (Kiss my ass)," I retorted, feeling victorious when she gave me a deadpanned look. Bet she regrets teaching me that.

"Looks like your German is improving," Ajax snorted, starting the car as I got in. I gave him a 'really' look which made him laugh. He seemed to be doing that a lot more.

"Well, you are picking it up quicker than most."

"Thanks. But goddamn is your language confusing," I said, "I mean like there's 3 ways to say the. The W is pronounced like a V. And your sentence structure is all over the place."

"That's true, it is very complicated but for us its natural," he shrugged.

"Do you know any other languages?" I asked, turning a little in my seat to face him.

"A little bit of French and Turkish," he said focusing on the road in front which gave me a good view of his stunning side profile.

"Cool," I smiled, facing forward again after realizing I was staring. "When's your birthday?"

"My birthday? December 13," he replied, glancing at me.

"Mine is January 1," I said, leaning back into the comfy seats. I hate to admit it but I loved Ajax's car. It was so sleek and luxurious looking and sitting in it was so comfortable. The inside was impeccably clean just like the exterior. It had the typical new car scent mixed in with his cologne that would make any perfumer drool.

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