Chapter 23

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^a pic of Pia and Felix cuz why not 🥴

Guyssss this book is #1 in dance! I LOVE U GUYS! Also reading the comments is so fun, I've been trying to respond to them as much as possible. Also I'm trying something a bit different with the POV, hopefully it turns out okay 😅. Happy reading!

Third Person's POV

"I saw your performance," Ruben nodded. "You're very talented."

"Thanks," Mila smiled, her cheeks flushing pink.

"The only thing she's talented in," Ajax teased, throwing a chocolate Kiss at the brunette.

"Hmm kisses, I see," she smirked, unwrapping the chocolate.

She glared at Ajax as he walked over, leaning back into the couch, trying to escape him as he tugged at her dark brown locks.

"I hate you," she huffed, running a hand through her now imparted hair.

Pia and Felix shared a look as they watched Ajax interact with their new friend. They seemed to share quite a dynamic as they bickered constantly.

"At least she has a talent to flex," Felix snorted and Ajax stuck his tongue out at him.

"Dance is her only and biggest flex," Ajax sighed mockingly.

"I'll have you know," Mila said quietly as everyone focused back to the TV. Ajax hummed in response, his emerald eyes sparkling as he gave her his attention.

She spoke lowly, close to his ear as she kept her gaze on the TV.

"My biggest flex is that I don't have a gag reflex."

Ajax tensed beside her as she trailed a finger down his chest, stopping at the waistband of his sweats. She looked away, returning to her conversation with Pia.

It took him a moment to register what she had said. But once he caught onto what she was hinting at, he clenched his jaw tightly. A spark of panic ran though him as blood rushed to his lower region and his sweatpants tightened.

Those words made him imagine - the brunette down on her knees in front of him, her soft lips around his- woah there.

Ajax shook his head, thinking of everything possible to get the dirty thoughts out of his head.

Shit, not now. 
Wrong time.
Dying puppies, vomit, ugly Grinch.

"Why is the game so slow today?" Ruben groaned.  It was already halftime and the score was still 0-0.

"Mila, who's side are you on?"

"Hardcore Dortmund fan," Mila admitted, gesturing to the TV.  She fought back a smirk as Ajax stood up from his spot beside her, the strong scent of his cologne weakening.

"Ajax, you okay? You look really distraught," Felix asked, confused about why his brother looked angry and scared at the same time.

"Fine, just anxious," he muttered, waving his hand at the TV.

Just as he finished speaking, the commentator let out a cheer, rapidly rattling off in German.

"One-nil," Mila grinned, hi-fiving Pia who seemed to cheer in lowercase letters, not wanting to offend her boyfriend.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"Christ Ajax, you need some holiday cheer in here," Ruben complained, looking around the house from the kitchen.

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