Chapter 8

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I've added a dance video I forgot about^

Mila's POV

"Nationals are in a month and then internationals are 2 months after that right after New Years," Adam rattled off, pacing in front of us.

"I still can't believe we did that," Ajax muttered, a dazed look on his face.

"I knew you two could do it. Now we just have to work on the lifts," Adam said and I stiffened.

"I hope you know I won't drop you," Ajax said quietly as we stretched and I could feel his gaze on me.

"Look, how bout you two take the day off. Just hang out a bit and get to know each other?" he suggested. I was silent, waiting to see what Ajax would say.

"Sounds good," he nodded, getting up and extending his arm around to me. I let him pull me up from the floor, a bit surprised. I narrowed my eyes at him suspiciously. He's being too nice.

"My parents are here," he added, a smile plastered on his face. Bingo.

We stepped out of the studio into the cold afternoon, clouds casting a grey light over the city.

"Hi Mila, I'm Zoe and this is my husband Stefan," his mother spoke, a warm smile on her face. She had the same green eyes as Ajax, but other than that he looked like his father.

"Nice to meet you," I smiled, surprised when she pulled me into a hug.

"Would you like to join us for lunch?" his father asked and my eyes widened.

"Uh n-"

"Come on, Adam said so," Ajax pressed, surprising me even further.

"Sure then I guess," I agreed and we started walking to Ajax's car.

"Who are you and what've you done with Ajax," I muttered under my breath as I walked beside him. He huffed, sending me a glare and I smirked at him.

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Lunch went by smoothly and quickly because his parents had to go back to work by 3. and I actually got to know a lot about Ajax, mostly from his parents. He loved cars, planes, and he used to play football. His middle name is Louis and he absolutely hates it. I also learned that he wanted to major in computer science. His father worked for BMW's company and his mother worked for Adidas.

We were now back in the studio for an evening class.

"Mila, Oskar wants to speak with you," Adam said as soon as I entered the room.

"Oh, okay. I'll be back," I said, quickly walking to his office.

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Ajax's POV

"Adam, how come the comments under last weeks video are about Mila and everyone's just fangirling over her?" Lotte asked.

"Hm? Oh the one we filmed last week?"

"Yeah, and Ajax's post too. Everyone's like 'oh my gosh she's back'!"

I furrowed my brows, pulling out my phone and opening Instagram. Sure enough, the comments under my post of the two of us were a bunch of people talking about Mila.

"Mila is quite popular back home in Canada," Adam said, opening his laptop that we used for music.

"Really? So like, people know her? She's famous?" Gabby asked, her eyes big.

"She's not famous," Anna scoffed, rolling her eyes. I didn't even notice she was here. The crutches were gone, replaced with a small boot cast.

"Do you want to see some of her old performances?"

"Sure," Lena spoke up as Anna looked like she was going to object.

He pulled up a video from a dance competition that I'd actually seen in my recommended before, but never watched. My jaw nearly dropped as I watched the lifts and tricks that the duo did. I recognized the style - Cabaret Acro Ballroom.

"Oh shit," Max mumbled as Mila balanced precariously on her partners head.

"She's so flexible, what the fuck," Gabby laughed in shock.

"And you were saying she's too heavy," Lena snapped, an accusing look on her face.

"You said that?" Adam asked, a disappointed look on his face.

"He did. Look at how easily her partner lifts her. Did you ever think that maybe you're weak?" the blonde huffed, glaring at me.

"I didn't mean it," I muttered, looking away, feeling ashamed.

"That's extremely rude," Adam huffed, a scolding tone in his voice. I was silent as everyone chattered about.

"Wait," I interrupted. "How come she was so comfortable with those lifts, but now she's afraid to do them?"

Adam sighed before responding.

"That's not my story to tell."

"Hey, what's going on?" Mila asked, entering the studio. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Adam shut the laptop lid quickly.

"We were just talking about how if you guys made it to the international championships then you would be famous."

"Mila are you still going to do a solo or just the duets with Ajax?"

"Uh, I think I'll just stick to the duets," she said sitting beside me, tucking a piece of hair behind her hair.

"You two, start thinking of choreo and the rest of us will do a group session."

I was oddly irritated with Mila. She waltzed in here as if she owned the place. I didn't know who she was and she just hid such a big thing from me.

"Why do you look like you want to blow up the room?" she joked, "Oh wait, you always look like that."

"Fuck you Mila," I spat, pinning her with an angry glare. I didn't know where this anger was coming from, maybe from meeting my father again and hearing him complain about dance. All I knew was that I needed to let it out.

"Excuse me?" she scoffed, narrowing her eyes at me.

"I said, fuck you. You walk in here as if you own the place, like you're better than the rest of us. And then you take Anna's spot like you can just replace her. Were you ever going to tell us? I had to find out from comments on and Instagram post??" I shouted, unconsciously getting closer and closer to her. I heard her take in a sharp breath as I said those words, her back hitting the wall.

"Ajax wha-"

"Cut the bullshit Mila. I hope you know that you're one of the worst dancers I've worked with. You can't even do a simple lift. Aww, is little Mila scared she's going to fall and get a boo boo? "I taunted. I watched her face contort into a look of pain and a small pang of regret ran through me.

"Don't think I don't notice your little eye rolls and huffs of annoyance. And I really don't appreciate you talking back to me," I growled, feeling the sadistic side of me rise. Her face was impassive as she gazed up at me, unaffected. Raising my hand, I noticed her flinch at my movement. The devil inside me urged me on and I slammed it into the wall beside her head. She squeezed her eyes shut, moving her face away.

"Remember who's in control here," I growled, turning swiftly to leave the room.

I walked into Studio A and grabbed my things, storming out of the building as voices called after me. Now Mila was scared of me. Good. Fear was good. Everyone was always scared of me except Mila and something about that made me feel uneasy. Anna was the only exception because I hated her equally. But Mila, I couldn't let her bicker back and forth with me. We weren't friends and never will be.

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