Bonus 4

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Greetings Heathens, this is the last of this round of bonus chapters #sorrynotsorry

Also Spotify wrapped did me dirty 😑

That's all I'm going to say.

Drop your dream job/career and if you've achieved it!

ALSO: It's December! 22 more days till Christmas!

Ajax's POV

"Oh God," I sighed, looking at the mess on the counter.

A soft whine was heard from the furry creature that lay on the floor.

"Tuna!" Mila exclaimed, coming up behind me.

We stared, unsurprised, at the spilled juice and shredded papers.

"I told you we need to crate train him first," I sighed.

"It's not my fault he gets me with those puppy eyes," Mila sighed, grabbing paper towels.

"He's a puppy, of course he's going to give you puppy eyes," I deadpanned, earning a glare.

"Hurry up and help me clean!"

Mila and I had disappeared upstairs for just about an hour and Tuna, our 8 month old puppy, had decided to wreak havoc on the kitchen.

"Bad dog!" Mila scolded the poor puppy who flattened its ears against its head, and let out another whine.

Me too, buddy. Me too.

Angry Mila was scary.

Mila crossed her arms, giving the dog a disappointed look. Then, she got to work cleaning up the spilled juice that had been left out by a certain someone earlier that evening.

She glared at Tuna who sat on the floor, watching us clean.

"Next time, you're going to clean this mess," she huffed, pointing a sopping mop in the dogs direction.

"As if he can understand you," I chuckled, balling up the ripped papers and tossing it into the trash.

"Oh shut up," she muttered.

I grinned, leaning over to pepper her with kisses.

"Ajax, stop it! We're already late!" she laughed, failing at her attempt to be stern.

"Good thing I can drive fast."

"You look stunning, as usual," I complimented, looking her up and down. She was dressed in a dark floor length gown, the color matching my tie. A pair of red bottomed heels adorned her feet.

The sparkling diamond ring glittered on her ring finger, a reminder that she was very much taken.

"Hmm, I know," she smiled, kissing my cheek as she grabbed the car keys.

"Are you not going to compliment my handsome looks?" I asked, following her out of the house.

"What looks?" she asked, feigning innocence.

"Ha. Ha." I rolled my eyes.

"Awww, is his majesty Ajax butthurt?" she pouted, cupping my cheek as I pushed her away.

"You're annoying," I sighed, getting into the car.

"And you're bathroom cleaner," she retorted, shutting the door as I started the car.

I turned to glare at her, knowing that was her favorite insult now.

She gave me a victorious grin, proud she had won.

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