Chapter 3

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We all got teleport to a ancient roman colloseum, there was a scoreboard wich means that this will be the ground for our soccer fight.

"Welcome to our Pantheon!" Said Fran with her two brothers Asta and San.

"Where are Ami and Kazuya?!" shouted Ban.

"Bring back everything you've erased!" Shouted Shindou.

"Be patient, I'll do as you wish if you win this battle." Replied Fran.

"Why do you want to erase the world?" Asked Shindou.

"In order to save the world." Respond Fran.

"What?" Said Kyousuke.

"Why are you destroying it then?!" You shouted.

"We only destroy things that are unwanted, like.. Battles." Said Fran,then she used her powers to appear a huge crowd of people in the spectators seats.

"Your opponents are the 11 or us, also known as the destructchers."Said Asta appearing his 10 other teammates.

Since Yukimura got taken away, Fei will be playing in our side.

We started the kick-off, Kyousuke pass the ball behind to Tenma.

"Everyone attack !" Ordered Tenma.

Your teammates tried to advance in the opponent field side but they lose the ball to an opponent, the opponent pass it to their forward.

The forward uses an hissatsu trying to goal but Shinsuke used his Liu bei Mixi max and successfully blocked it.

"[F/N]!" Shouted Shinsuke and passed the ball to you, you catch it and pass it to Kariya, Kariya pass it to Kirino, Shindou uses his God's baton: fire illusion and leading the ball to Taiyou.

"Mixi trans.. Kongming !" Taiyou uses his Mixi max and used a new hissatsu called "Tenchi Raimei" and shoots toward the opponent goal.



But after this goal your teammates suddenly started to argue, Kariya and Nishiki, Taiyou and Hakuryuu, Shindou and Kirino.. Who would've thought that people like them who usually gets along suddenly fight in a middle of an important match..

Our teamwork weaken causing us to lose 2 points against them.


"What is wrong with you all?!" You shouted.

They all turn themselves to you.

"What are those kind of play are yall doing?! That's not how you play soccer!" You continued.

"[F/N]..." they all look at each other.

"Have faith in your teammates! And fight together!" You said.

Tenma walk toward you. "In order to protect what we love!" He smiled.

"Mhm!" you nod.

"[F/N] is right, let's do this!" Said Kirino.

"Let's all play soccer!" Said Shindou.

"Let's go." Said Kyousuke to you.

Your eyes widen and nod then you look at Tenma. "We'll need your strength Captain!" You said.

"My strength?-" Asked Tenma confused.

"Follow me!" You said and steal the ball from the opponent. "Let's do this Kyousuke, Tenma!" You said dribbling toward the opponent goal.

They both nodded, you three jumped.
"Fire tornado triple crusher!" You three shouted and shot toward the goal.

The goalkeeper tries to block it with an hissatsu but fails.

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