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|11 years Earlier|

You three walk out of the Caravan, the cherry trees were blossoming, it's beautiful.

You notice Endou running toward the school, you, Fei and Wonderbat hide behind a tree to not get spotted, Coach Endou sure still never changed, he still has this orange headband on his forehead.

Fei, Wonderbat and you spend the day spying on Endou making sure that Alpha doesn't ruin this time-line, class ended and Endou and Aki were walking back home together, but the moment got ruined soon as you spot Alpha and his team blocking Endou way.

Alpha take out this weird soccer ball again and change its mode to move mode like it did with you.

"Don't let them get away!" You run toward them.

Fei and Wonderbat follow you.

|Football frontier stadium|

"Where are we..?" You look around, you were in a huge stadium that you've never seen before.

"We are in the football frontier Stadium, Where Endou and his team won the Football frontier." Answered Fei.

You see Alpha talking to Endou and Aki, you interrupt them.


"Huh?" Endou turn himself to you.

"Whatever they say to you, don't trust them, They are people who are here to eliminate soccer!" You say.

"Eliminate soccer? Is it true?" Ask Endou to Alpha.

"Yes." Simply answered Alpha without denying it.

"Okay, but. Who are you?" Ask Endou to you.

"Oh.. Right.. Uh.. I don't think it's important right now!" you replied, if you tell your name there might be some impacts to the present.

"We are people who are stopping them from eliminating soccer." Smile Fei.

"Enough of speaking, if you two are really here to stop us from doing our mission. We'll have to take away every meaning of soccer from you three." Said Alpha and challenge us to play against his team.

You accepted, Endou join your team as a goalkeeper.

The match started, but the protocol omega used rough play and hit most of the Fei duplicates to weakened him.

Alpha shoot in the ball attempting to hit Endou, but Endou used God hand to block the shoot.

You were amazed, finally you saw this legendary and first hissatsu from Endou mamoru the God Hand! But isn't this hissatsu suppose to appear when Endou had a match against the Teikoku academy?

Weird, I hope this won't change too much about the futur.

The match resume, You and Fei did an awesome teamwork and succeed to score one point from them.


The protocol omega start the kick-off and pass trought our defense, Alpha is now on front of the goals and use one of his hissatsu against Endou.

You didn't know why or even how but Endou was able to bring out a Keshin to block Alpha shoot, Endou sure is impressive.

The match continued but Fei was starting to get tired because of his duplicates, he kept on saying he was fine but you were pretty sure he was trying to not worry you.

"Hey!" Shouted someone from afar.

Everyone eyes spot someone in the spectator seats, his face was hidden by the shadow but you can notice he has an similar hairstyle like Kyousuke and his hair is blue navy... Is he..

"Mind if I join this match?" asked the stranger, he jump off the spectator seats and land down, he walks toward you.

He looks like Kyousuke, it isn't him.

"Yuuichi... You are Yuuichi right?!" You asked.

Yuuichi nod with a smile. "It's me."

"How?! You... Your legs are fine?!"

"I'll explain it later, for now. We need to beat these people." Said Yuuichi as his expression changes to a serious one.

You nod, Yuuichi switch to your team uniform and walk in the pitch, I wonder how good is Yuuichi, Kyousuke is a good forward I wonder how strong is his brother.

The match resume, Yuuichi immediately steal the ball from the opponent and dodges them all without a difficulty, you follow him behind to make sure he doesn't lost the ball.

"[F/N]! Your Keshin!" Said Yuuichi.

You look at him, I wonder what is he planning.

'Let's go!" Said Yuuichi.

You nod and follow him.

"Demon soldier Pendragon! Amor!" Yuuichi summon his Keshin and wear his armor, your eyes widen. You didn't thought that Yuuichi has an Keshin and can also use the armor too.. This is INCREDIBLE!

"Try too [F/N]! You can do it!" Shout Fei.

You nod then called out your Keshin.
"Armor!" You shout, you can feel your Keshin fusing with you. When you open your eyes you now see yourself in your Keshin armor.

Your eyes sparkles of happiness.

"Congrats [F/N]!" Smile Yuuichi.

"Thank you!" You smile back.

"I won't let you." Said Alpha going toward the goal.

Alpha also call out his Keshin and use his armor, you and Yuuichi go for a double shoot toward the goal.

The goalkeeper tries to block it with his hissatsu but fails, Alpha goes between the goal and the soccer ball and tries to block it, but he also fails.



Your Keshin Armor disappear after this shoot, Yuuichi walk up to you.

"You did great." He said and held out his Hand.

"You too!" You handshake Yuuichi hand.

"Retreat." Said Alpha to his team.

"Wait Alpha!-" You tried to stop him from escaping but he already disappeared with his team.

You then look at Alpha and his team retreating and disappeared once again, wich means... We've won.

Fei walk up to us and thanked Yuuichi for his help.

"[F/N], now I can explain what happened to me." Said Yuuichi.

You nod.

Everyone sat down on the ground and listened to Yuuichi story.

(on the next chapter! Sorry!)

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