Time Travel!

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Then suddenly in the sky appeared a flying... CARAVAN ?! The window of the caravan opens and you see a blue Teddy bear.

"Oh, [F/N]! Greetings!" Said the blue Teddy bear and waved at you.

"And it speaks..." You said in shocked, you didn't knew if you should faint or pinch yourself.

The referee whistle for the end of the first half.

The caravan land down on the ground, the blue Teddy bear comes out from it, you tried to pinch yourself again but it hurt so bad then you shake your head then focus your eyes on this teddy bear, it was real. It can walk and talk.

His name is appenratly Clark wonderbat (or Wonderba in japenese), then Fei snap on his fingers again and all your teammates disappeared except for Fei.

"Okay, this is getting strange and weird, I'm out of words.. Can someone explain me what's going on?!" You exclaimed.

"Sorry, I didn't told you that these people are just dupli I created, they don't really exist." Chuckle Fei.

"I think I'm gonna faint, I'm too confused right now." You said holding your head trying to believe everything that just happened.

"[F/N], dont worry. I've restored your time-line about the accident, everything is back to normal." Said Wonderbat.

"Oh.. Thanks..?" You said.

"Oh, and did you bring what I asked for?" Asked Fei to Wonderbat, Fei seems to be excited.

"Of course! There's nothing that Clark wonderbat can't do!" Reply Wonderbat.

"Really?! Wow! Show me!" Said Fei.

Wonderbat took out two guns it is white and red with a bag that goes with it, he point at an area with lot's of space and appeared...

"A DINOSAUR?!" You shouted, it was the first time you saw one for real.

"It's the Tyrannosaure Rex!" Fei corrected you.

"Come on Fei, Mixi max !" Said Wonderbat.

Fei walk to the opposite side of the Tyrannosaure, Wonderbat shoot at Fei with his gun, Fei appearance changes, his hair becomes longer and turns into a ponytail his eyes become crimson red and his skin gets tanned.

"W-w-w-what is wrong with you?! You can't shoot at someone like that! Are you okay Fei?!" You shouted in panick.

"Don't worry, I'm fine." Said Fei, but his face looks so scary.

Who would've thought that a bunny face boy would turn into a dinosaur just like that?

"A mixi max combines both my personality and the T-Rex's personality together, that's why I look like this." he said and clench his fist.

"You're not gonna eat me right..?" You asked.

"No, of course not." chuckled Fei.

"Phew, I'm relieved." You said.

The second half starts, Fei summon again his duplicates, the match starts you notice that Fei has gotten stronger, it's probably because of the Mixi max.

Fei pass the ball to you.

"You can do it [F/N]!" Cheer Fei.

You look at your opponents coming toward you, they are fast and agile, but you are also.

You use your dribble hissatsu that you've learned during your travels and pass through the opponent defense and pass the ball back to Fei.

"You can do it!" You cheer him up.

He smile at you and dribble toward the goal.

"Ancients fangs!" Fei use the hissatsu of his mixi max.



After this score Alpha directly used his Keshin Armor to score up against us.


You notice Fei was getting tired, you walk up to him.

"Are you okay?" You asked to him.

"Don't worry, it's just that holding nine duplicates comsumes a lot of my aura... But there's no other way." He respond.

"Fei.." He's right, we can't play two against eleven of them, but if we lose... Soccer is gonna disappear.

The match resume as Fei and Alpha both clashes at each other trying to get the ball, their strengths were both equal, both get pushed away.

The ball was in the middle between them.

But the match got interrupt when Alpha got a call from his communications device, he walk away telling us that the match is cancelled.

Then suddenly they disappeared, Fei appearance turns back to normal, you look at Fei and Wonderbat.

"Please, explain. What's going on?" You asked.

"Let's go somewhere else to speak about this." Said Fei.

You nod and followed them both.

When we arrived they explained everything, about an organisation named El Dorado that want to erase soccer because they fear people called.. Second stage children.

In order to protect Raimon soccer club, you need to go back in the past when Endou mamoru creates the soccer club.

"Wait, so.. Are we gonna time travel or something?" You asked to Fei.

"Yup !" He replied.

"Okay, but... How?" You ask.

"You'll see." He smile.

|Inazuma Caravan|

"So.. We are gonna time travel in this caravan." you said.

"Yup! But we need to fulfil something in order to time travel, it's call artefacts." reply Fei.

"It has to be an object that is filled with the strong feeling of someone from that time and place." Continue Wonderbat.

"Hm.. Oh, I know! The old soccer clubroom. There's must be something there!" You exclaimed.

"Okay, let's go!" Said Wonderbat.

You three went back to the present and took the old clubroom sign as artefacts, you walk back in the caravan and gave it to Wonderbat.

You sat down next to Fei and put your seat belt.

"Let's hope it works.." You said a bit stressed because if the artefacts don't work, you didn't know how it would end.

"Don't worry! I'm sure it'll work." Said Fei trying to calm you down.

You nod.

"Let's go !" Said wonderbat.

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