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Yuuichi explained that, in his time-line the accident where he injured his leg never happened.

It caused that Yuuichi never got injured and both of them became better soccer players and they were even offered to study soccer abroad.

But sadly because of how expensive the studies are, only one of them could've go to study abroad.

Kyousuke didn't want to stop his brother from success and being a professional soccer player, so he gave up on soccer and never touched a soccer ball ever since.

Yuuichi also met someone who gave him a traveling bracelet that can make him travel the times with it.

After this conversation we decided to leave and let the rest to Endou, As for Yuuichi he will be our new ally for the future match against the protocol omega.

When you four walked in the caravan the artefact slowly disappeared.

"Huh ? What's happening?" You asked pointing at the artefacts.

"It's going back to where it belongs." said Fei.

"Oh.. To Endou's times.." You said.

"You got it right." Smile Fei.

"It's a pretty tiring day.. How about we go to [F/N]'s place?" Ask Wonderbat.

"I don't think my house is enough big to-"

|Your home|

"To fit all of you..." you finished, but too late we were already on front of your house.

You sigh and open your phone and notice two texts from your sister and auntie, they were both not going back home till tomorrow noon.

You stare at Wonderbat.

"You knew this was going to happen right?" You ask.

Wonderbat look away and whistle.

"Anyway, You can sleep in my room I'll sleep in my sister's. If anyone of you touches my stuff, yall are dead." You did a deadly glare at them.

"I'll sleep on the couch don't worry." Smile Yuuichi.

"Are you sure? There's still my auntie room you know.." You said pointing at your auntie room door.

"It's fine." He said.

"Nope, you're going to sleep in my auntie room whenever you like it or not!" You insisted.

"Fine, fine." Said Yuuichi.

|Tomorrow morning/soccer building|

You, Fei, Yuuichi woke up earlie to see if the present has changed or if the soccer club came back, Wonderbat stayed at your home to wash the caravan.

"This is too much pressure to take, you all go without me!" You said trying to escape but Fei stopped you from it.

"Come on! We don't have all day." He said and grabbed your shoulders and forced you to walk in.

You get pushed and walk in the building and see everyone looking at you.

"You're late [F/N]!" Said Shindou.

You let a relieved sigh.

"Everything is back to normal.." You said holding your chest.

"Huh..?" They all look at you.

"Who are the people behind you?" Asked Aoi.

"Oh.. This is Fei and.." You said but everyone ran toward you.

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