Future With Alpha

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Years has after everything happened, you've became a professional soccer player along with your friend's, Tenma, Shindou and Kyousuke.

But of course not everyone take the same path so you all kind of separated.

After practice you did a break for lunch, you went to buy a nice Boba! (if you don't like Boba you can imagine another drink!).

It's been a long time since you haven't went to the riverbank to watch the view, so you decided to go there and eat peacefully.

You walked down the stairs to find a bench but instead of that you found someone... Standing there, these violet's hair..

"Alpha ?!" You shouted and walked toward the person.

The person turns himself to you and you were right! It is Alpha.

"[F/N], hello." He said, as always he's a simple speaker.

"Alpha!" You hugged him.

Alpha look at you then did a small smile then hugged back.

"I thought i would never see you again! How are you?" You asked breaking the hug.

"I'm fine, how are you [F/N]?" Asked Alpha.

"I'm fine now that you are here! I thought I would be sitting there watching the view all alone!" You smiled.

"The view?" Alpha tilt his head.

"Yup! Why are you here?" You asked curious.

"My leader told me I could get a free day, so here I am." Answered Alpha.

"Do you think you can spend time with me?" You look at him.

"Of course, I have plenty of time." Said Alpha.

"Yey ! Hey do you like Boba?" You asked.

"Boba?" Alpha raise one of his eyebrow.

"It's a sweet drink! Here try out mine!" You said giving him your Boba.

He observe it for a moment before drinking it, then gives it back to you.

"Sooo?" You waited for his opinion.

"Indeed, it is sweet." Replied Alpha.

"Do you like it?"

"It's good." He said.

You gasp then take Alpha's hand. "Let's go get you one then!" You smiled.

"Sure, but before we do that." Alpha appears a sphere device.

You let go of Alpha hand, Alpha uses his sphere device to change El Dorado uniform to a normal outfit of your time.

"Woah! You look good in this outfit!" You exclaimed.


"Mhm! Now let's go get your Boba!" You said.

Alpha nod and followed you.

You two spend the time speaking about life and soccer of course! And the two of you have something in common than just soccer, you two had the same favorite drink!

|Alpha's confession!|

He's quiet and not very talkative but when it comes to you he's willing to speak to you.

When you two we're just friends..

At Aoi's and Tenma's wedding he somehow with luck got the bridal bouquet and....

"Oh my, oh my~ Alpha seems like you're gonna get married soon." Teased Beta.

"I wonder who's the future lucky girl." Teased Gamma.

Alpha look at you while holding the bouquet, you were eating the cake on the table and noticed him looking at you, you smiled and did a small wave to him.

Alpha also did a small wave to you with a smile.

Gamma and Beta look at each other and Smirked.

|Some days later|

You were waiting Alpha in a coffee shop, you two wanted to visit an aquarium since Alpha has never been there before, you were drinking your favorite drink and checking your phone chilling.

"Hey! Is this seat taken?" Said a stranger to you.

"Yeah, I'm actually waiting for a friend." You replied.

"Oh, a friend? Then that's fine! I'm really cool I swear." Said the stranger and didn't care about your answer and sat on Alpha's seat.

"Hm, okay." You said and continued looking at your phone.

"Soo got a boyfriend?" Asked the stranger.

"Nope." You replied.

"Ah, I see.. Then how about you give me a chance-"


Alpha brutally put his cup of drink on the table in front of the stranger, the stranger got surprised a bit.

"I think this seat isn't yours, is it?" Glared Alpha at the stranger.

The stranger gulped.

"Alpha ! There you are!" You said happily.

"Sorry for taking so long." Said Alpha with a smile to you.

"That's your friend..?" Asked the stranger.

"Mhm!" You nod.

"Now if you excuse us, let's go [F/N]." Said Alpha.

"Oh okay !" You stood up and walked toward Alpha, you two left leaving the stranger alone.

"Phew... You saved me there Alpha.." You sigh.

"How so?" Ask Alpha.

"This dude was giving me awkward vibes." You answered.

"Forgive me for being late, If I came earlier I would stop him from going near you." Said Alpha feeling guilty.

"Don't worry! Now that you are here.. Let's go visit the aquarium!" You said happily.

Alpha nod and smiles.

Then Alpha confessed his love to you, you gladly accepted them since you also had a crush on him ever since he came back into your life.

You two got married after a year of relationship, Alpha didn't waited further and proposed to you, you accepted and got married!

|Alpha as a husband|

You were playing a game on your computer until...

"[F/N]." Said Alpha coming in the room.

You were too focused on the game that you didn't heard him.

"..." Alpha sigh and walks toward you and put his head on your shoulder.

You notice him and pause your game. "Alpha?" You look at him.

"Please do not ignore me." He said looking at you with his grey eyes.

"I'm sorry! I was soo concentrated I didn't heard you!" You said and hugged him.

Alpha hugs you back. "I accept your apology." Smiled Alpha then breaks your hug. "Dinner is ready." He said.

"Right! Let's eat your delicious food!" You said happily.

And that's your life with Alpha.

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