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"With Ragnarok's second match over, we have one win and one loss. Everything will be decided on today third match and final round!" Said Gouenji, your current coach for your team, it was finally the time for you and your team to fight the last team of the second Stage children.

You all walked toward the stadium and did a warm up and some talk on your bench side before that the real match starts.

Then our opponents comes out and reveal themselves as their team are named Garu, you look around to spot their captain.

Then... Someone comes out with the garu captain armband, it was... Fei.

Tenma walked toward Fei and tried to speak to him, but Fei seemed serious, he isn't going to listen to Tenma nor you.

That's why... You're gonna win this Ragnarok and show Fei the right path.

The match start with us doing the kick-off, you pass the ball to Tenma, Fei let Tenma pass him with the ball.

"What does he have in mind?" You thought.

Tenma then pass it to you, you observe your opponents not moving at all like Fei, something fishy is going on, you pass the ball to Taiyou so he could score a goal.

Taiyou call out his Keshin but surprisingly he uses his Keshin armor for the first time.

Taiyou shoot in ball, the goalkeeper wasn't moving at all! Then someone run pass you, it was Fei that came from the front to the goalkeeper goal and blocked the ball with his foot.

"He's fast." You mumbled.

"I'm disappointed, I can't believe the team I once was is this weak, I'll show you the real strength of the second Stage children." Said Fei then dribble passed you and Taiyou with an not human speed.

Fei pass the ball to his teammates as they did some acrobatics movements in the air to pass it to each other avoiding your teammates, the ball ends up back to Fei.

Fei uses his hissatsu and scored the first goal.


Fei walks toward you. "Do you finally realize that winning against us is impossible?" Said Fei to you.

"What you're saying is completely a lie, don't feel superior just because you've finally showed us your real strength." You replied.

"I'm not feeling superior. I AM superior." Said Fei.

"Why did you changed?" You asked him.

"Why? Because you're my enemy." He replied.

"Lies! You're one of us Fei! Can't you see? Even Tenma is worried for you." You shouted at him.

"... I belong to the second stage children, keep that in mind." Then Fei walks away.

The match resume, but this time Fei used a rough play and violently pushed away your teammates, Fei dribble toward the goal, there was a space between the ball and Fei so Shinsuke took the opportunity to steal it from Fei.

But Fei shoot in the ball hitting Shinsuke on the face, Shinsuke falls on the ground while the ball rolls next to Shinsuke.

You couldn't stand there and watch this horrible scene so you went between Fei and Shinsuke.

"What's wrong with you?! That's not how you play soccer Fei!" You yelled angered.

"... Stop getting in my way!" Fei shoot in the ball toward you, you were about to get hit by the ball but Tenma blocked the hit for you and fall.

"Tenma!" You shouted and crouched on front of Tenma. "Are you okay?!" You asked.

"Don't worry, I'm fine!" Smiled Tenma at you.

You sigh in relieved, you then stand up and glared at Fei. "You've crossed the line! You're not the Fei I know! Who are you?!" You yelled at Fei.

"I am Fei rune from the second stage children can't you understand?" replied Fei.

"No! I don't understand. The Fei I know is, honest, kind-hearted, loves soccer! The one who saved me from forgetting soccer!" You respond.

Fei eyes widen.

"The Fei I know, I honest and loves soccer, Fei. Watch me!" You said then stole the ball from Fei and jumped in the sky.

"[K/N]!" You called out your Keshin. "Armor! Your armors appears on you and shoot with all your strength on the ball toward the goal.

"What?!" The goalkeeper didn't expect you to shoot so the goal was wide open with nobody to protect it.




Right after you've scored the first half ended.

You land on the ground then walked toward the bench, calling your Keshin and using the armor suddenly cost you an huge amount of energy you sat down.

"Looks like you need my power after all!" Shouted someone on top of the stadium, this voice...

Zanark !

He jump off from where he was and land down then walk toward us. "It's been a long time since I've seen yall faces." Said Zanark to us.

"What are you talking about?" You asked.

"We saw each other yesterday." Added Hamano.

"I thought you'd say that, but while it may be inky yesterday for you guy's... It's been months and months ago for me." Said Zanark.

"So, you're coming from the future or something?" you asked tilting your head confused.

"I've completed a long and hard training course." Replied Zanark ignoring your question.

"Training?" Said Shinsuke.

"What do you mean Zanark?" Asked Tenma.

"Zanark, you call me? I'll tell you one thing first, my new name is... No, I'll save it for later, the last cards must be used for later." Said Zanark.

"Last card?" Jeez it's confusing you even more.

"Stone grandpa, I kept my promise to you!" Said Zanark to Daisuke.

Promise? Oh, right. So he could be the last one of the strongest player in the eleven history team.

Then he told us his training and how he met someone named Clara Jane, then Zanark asked to be put as a forward, wich Gouenji immediately accepted.

Hikaru and Zanark switched places, you were put as a midfielder.

"Here." You give the soccer uniform to Zanark.

"What happened to you?" Asked Zanark.

"Huh ? What do you mean?" You look at Zanark confused.

"I was expecting something more... Cheerful that I come to help you or that you might disagree with me joining the team, but your expression is neutral.. Or to be exact, sad." Said Zanark.

"Ah... You've noticed.. Sorry, but. I need to win this match no matter what." You replied.

"I thought you'd say that, dont worry, with me this team will win." Said Zanark then walked to the changing room.

Is he being nice because he thinks I saved him back there..? No, there must be another thing. But what thing?

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